Hydra Tech Call 2016-03-02

Hydra Tech Call 2016-03-02

Time: 9:00am PDT / Noon EDT

Call-In Info: 1-641-715-3660, access code 651025

Moderator: Steven Ng

Notetaker:  Hector Correa




  1. Call for additional items
  2. Ruby RDF 2.0 Timeline -  tamsin woo
    1. Planned final release 3/21 (prior to Hydra Dev. Congress)
    2. Please provide feedback on Hydra Tech or on public-ruby-rdf
  3. Types of Collections (elrayle)

Next Call

  1. Date/Time: 2016-03-07 9:00am PDT / Noon EDT
  2. Moderator: Andrew Myers
  3. Notetaker: TBD



No comments were made on the Ruby RDF 2.0 Timeline item, the bulk of the call was spent on the Collection Types item in the agenda.


Lynette presented the document Types of Collection, gave an overview of how this came to be, the sections described in the document, and some of the considerations for a possible implementation that were discussed in that last Hydra Developers Congress in San Diego last month.


Cornell needs to support Types of Collections, Lynette is willing to work on a first implementation, and she would like to try to make something that the rest of the community could use.

Lynette I would like to clarify Cornell's use cases.  We have two that are affected by this work:

  1. A team of library staff need to jointly work on items in a collection (aka Sharing the collection with users and groups) where all items in the collection are private and the collection is private (aka not discoverable, no show page).  Once work on the items are complete, the items will be published (aka marked as Open Source/Public) and included in a collection that should be visible to the public, discoverable, and with a collection show page.  I am attempting to come to a design that accommodates the concepts described in  User Collections, Admin Sets, Display Sets and our needs for visibility and sharing.
  2. A collection and all its items are private.  At some point, the collection is made open access/public by the owner of the collection and all items in the collection become public.


A first implementation will depend on Hydra Works but at this point is not sure if it will be tied to Sufia or be a separate gem.


A big part of the meeting was spent on the collection types proposed on the document and whether these type should be predefined or instead allow developers to pick and chose what behaviors they want for the collections in their applications. The former being much simpler to implement than the later.

Lynette proposed updating the document with the considerations discussed in the meeting and revisiting this topic at the next Hydra Developers congress at the end of March.