Hydra Tech Call 2016-07-20
Hydra Tech Call 2016-07-20
Time: 9:00am PDT / Noon EDT
Call-In Info: 1-641-715-3660, access code 651025
Moderator: cam156
Notetaker: Trey Pendragon (Benjamin Armintor)
- Lakeisha Robinson - Yale
- Steven Ng - Temple
- Adam Wead - Penn State
- Carolyn Cole - Penn State
- Justin Coyne - Stanford
- Peter Binkley - U of Alberta
- Sonya Betz - U of Alberta
- Matt Barnett - U of Alberta
- Leah Vanderjagt - U of Alberta
- Drew Myers - WGBH
- Trey Pendragon - Princeton
- Mike Giarlo - Stanford
- Tom Johnson - DPLA
- Anna Headley - Chemical Heritage Foundation
- Lynette Rayle - Cornell
- Esmé Cowles - Princeton
- Roll call by timezone per following order (moderator)
- folks outside North and South America
- Eastern timezone
- Central timezone
- Mountain timezone
- Pacific timezone
- folks who were missed or who dialed in during roll call
- Call for additional agenda items (moderator)
- Alberta folks will introduce their current Sufia 7 community/collection work https://github.com/ualbertalib/HydraNorth/issues/1108
- Migrated to Sufia 6 last fall, now working on 7/PCDM work for another migration.
- Separating functionality into gems, starting with community and collection work.
- Implementing within an IR use case.
- Threw out Sufia's "personal collections," and implementing an official collection structure managed by a repository manager.
- Users are able to upload into any collection they want, except a couple which are locked (thesis collection, for instance)
- Assumptions are based on a D-Space view of the world with communities and collections.
- May be interesting for institutions migrating from D-Space.
- Questions:
- Carolyn - How are you implementing a repository manager role?
- We have this in Sufia 6.
- A repository manager role can create collections, assign items, manage users/permissions. There's a management dashboard.
- Plan to reimplement this as its own gem after the collection work.
- Knows there are similar interests out there, haven't looked yet how to coordinate.
- Peter - Is there much coordination between partners regarding the dashboard?
- Mike: Karen Estlund posted about a 1-week event, one of the tracks of which will be regarding building out an administrative dashboard.
- If you can't get to the event, there are a set of user stories regarding the admin dashboard which you could contribute to.
- Mike: Karen Estlund posted about a 1-week event, one of the tracks of which will be regarding building out an administrative dashboard.
- Lynette - Very interested in enhancing how sufia does collections.
- The admin creates all collections, and then anyone can upload to all collections? Will there be tighter permissions regarding who can upload to which collection?
- Implementation is currently open - the manager keeps an eye on things.
- Imagining a richer permissions structure when moving forward, intend to look at WebAC.
- Leah
- We attempt to mediate everything that goes into the IR.
- Technically anyone can upload to anything, but we've found that almost everybody we work with over the last five years appreciated the service we provide to do it for them.
- Enables us to keep a tighter grip on quality of ingested content.
- We batch load content.
- Users don't tend to do much of their own uploading.
- Drives the needs for our dashboard and collection/community work.
- Cornell has more granular permissions and a different structure.
- Different "teams" may have access to different "collections"
- Lynette you want to add more notes here?
- Can we come up with a flexible model to support both our use cases?
- What's the difference between a "community" and a "collection"?
- Wasn't sure if the department would want their research articles under their department's umbrella, or split out according to "type" or "research groups."
- What evolved over time was the communities are just a top-level branding layer for the content that's under it.
- Communities are technically collections.
- All items are associated with a sub-collection below a community.
- People can have items associated with more than one community.
- The admin creates all collections, and then anyone can upload to all collections? Will there be tighter permissions regarding who can upload to which collection?
- Carolyn - How are you implementing a repository manager role?
- Questions about Book Concerns (Drew)
- What is Book Concerns? (https://github.com/projecthydra-labs/book_concerns)
- A project to bundle up the forms, workflow, and IIIF concerns for books in a package.
- Originally an extraction of features from Plum.
- Hydra in a Box intends to work on it in the fall.
- Princeton's working on it as time allows.
- Trey will talk to Drew about setting up a longer meeting.
- A project to bundle up the forms, workflow, and IIIF concerns for books in a package.
- What is Book Concerns? (https://github.com/projecthydra-labs/book_concerns)
Next call: July 27th
- Moderator: Esmé Cowles
- Notetaker: Steven Ng
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