Hydra Tech Call 2016-07-20

Hydra Tech Call 2016-07-20

Time: 9:00am PDT / Noon EDT

Call-In Info: 1-641-715-3660, access code 651025

Moderator: cam156

Notetaker: Trey Pendragon (Benjamin Armintor)


  • Lakeisha Robinson - Yale
  • Steven Ng - Temple
  • Adam Wead - Penn State
  • Carolyn Cole - Penn State
  • Justin Coyne - Stanford
  • Peter Binkley - U of Alberta
  • Sonya Betz - U of Alberta
  • Matt Barnett - U of Alberta
  • Leah Vanderjagt - U of Alberta
  • Drew Myers - WGBH
  • Trey Pendragon - Princeton
  • Mike Giarlo - Stanford
  • Tom Johnson - DPLA
  • Anna Headley - Chemical Heritage Foundation
  • Lynette Rayle - Cornell
  • Esmé Cowles - Princeton


  1. Roll call by timezone per following order (moderator)
    1. folks outside North and South America
    2. Eastern timezone
    3. Central timezone
    4. Mountain timezone
    5. Pacific timezone
    6. folks who were missed or who dialed in during roll call
  2. Call for additional agenda items (moderator)
  3. Alberta folks will introduce their current Sufia 7 community/collection work https://github.com/ualbertalib/HydraNorth/issues/1108
    1. Migrated to Sufia 6 last fall, now working on 7/PCDM work for another migration.
    2. Separating functionality into gems, starting with community and collection work.
    3. Implementing within an IR use case.
    4. Threw out Sufia's "personal collections," and implementing an official collection structure managed by a repository manager.
      1. Users are able to upload into any collection they want, except a couple which are locked (thesis collection, for instance)
    5. Assumptions are based on a D-Space view of the world with communities and collections.
      1. May be interesting for institutions migrating from D-Space.
    6. Questions:
      1. Carolyn - How are you implementing a repository manager role?
        1. We have this in Sufia 6.
        2. A repository manager role can create collections, assign items, manage users/permissions. There's a management dashboard.
        3. Plan to reimplement this as its own gem after the collection work.
        4. Knows there are similar interests out there, haven't looked yet how to coordinate.
      2. Peter - Is there much coordination between partners regarding the dashboard?
        1. Mike: Karen Estlund posted about a 1-week event, one of the tracks of which will be regarding building out an administrative dashboard.
          1. If you can't get to the event, there are a set of user stories regarding the admin dashboard which you could contribute to.
      3. Lynette - Very interested in enhancing how sufia does collections.
        1. The admin creates all collections, and then anyone can upload to all collections? Will there be tighter permissions regarding who can upload to which collection?
          1. Implementation is currently open - the manager keeps an eye on things.
          2. Imagining a richer permissions structure when moving forward, intend to look at WebAC.
        2. Leah
          1. We attempt to mediate everything that goes into the IR.
          2. Technically anyone can upload to anything, but we've found that almost everybody we work with over the last five years appreciated the service we provide to do it for them.
          3. Enables us to keep a tighter grip on quality of ingested content.
          4. We batch load content.
          5. Users don't tend to do much of their own uploading.
            1. Drives the needs for our dashboard and collection/community work.
        3. Cornell has more granular permissions and a different structure.
          1. Different "teams" may have access to different "collections"
          2. Lynette you want to add more notes here?
        4. Can we come up with a flexible model to support both our use cases?
        5. What's the difference between a "community" and a "collection"?
          1. Wasn't sure if the department would want their research articles under their department's umbrella, or split out according to "type" or "research groups."
          2. What evolved over time was the communities are just a top-level branding layer for the content that's under it.
          3. Communities are technically collections.
          4. All items are associated with a sub-collection below a community.
          5. People can have items associated with more than one community.
  4. Questions about Book Concerns (Drew)
    1. What is Book Concerns? (https://github.com/projecthydra-labs/book_concerns)
      1. A project to bundle up the forms, workflow, and IIIF concerns for books in a package.
        1. Originally an extraction of features from Plum.
        2. Hydra in a Box intends to work on it in the fall.
        3. Princeton's working on it as time allows.
      2. Trey will talk to Drew about setting up a longer meeting.

Next call: July 27th

  1. Moderator: Esmé Cowles
  2. Notetaker: Steven Ng