Hydra Tech Call 2016-05-04

Hydra Tech Call 2016-05-04

Time: 9:00am PDT / Noon EDT

Call-In Info: 1-641-715-3660, access code 651025

Moderator: Andrew Myers or TBA

Notetaker: pbinkley or TBA


  • Drew Myers, WGBH
  • Leticia Robinson, Yale
  • Adam Wead, Penn
  • Steven Ng, Temple
  • Esmé Cowles, Princeton
  • Peter Binkley, U of Alberta
  • Justin Coyne
  • Trey Pendragon, Princeton


  1. Call for additional agenda items
  2. Hydra::Works characterziation metadata discussion (Adam)
    1. Problem: techical metadata stored on Fileset, which violated PCDM: should be stored on File - on Giarlo's advice, put in issue on Sufia 7.0 milestone - Adam has put in a fix
    2. Alternatives: leave it, go  in violation of PCDM; or fix it, and potentially break some early implementations (e.g. WGBH)
    3. The problem with putting technical metadata only on the File is that the File has to exist: have to have a binary (which is a problem if it's stored externally)
      1. workaround: zero-byte file
      2. Indiana proposes link to external file
    4. Problem of FITS XML file: is this technical metadata? Original idea was to keep it as a related object; but Hydra::Works extracts metadata, stores as triples, discards XML.
    5. Note: Esme points out that a file can link to another File(s) (see https://github.com/duraspace/pcdm/wiki/Related-Files). So the FITS XML could be a File that is a child of the File it describes. This correctly links the technical metadata to the File it describes. Best predicate would be iana:describedby. But does this enable us to distinguish the technical metadata from other associated metadata using fcr:metadata? Yes. This solution could be built into CurationConcerns so everyone doesn't have to implement; wouldn't be easy to implement in ActiveFedora.
    6. Conclusions:
      1. should we put technical metadata on file instead of fileset? Yes.
      2. Additional user stories for CurationConcerns. Have to distinguish cases: technical metadata generated by characterization service vs provided by external service during ingest.

Next Call

  1. Date/Time: 2016-05-11 9:00am PDT / Noon EDT
  2. Moderator: Adam Wead
  3. Notetaker: Esmé Cowles