Hydra Tech Call 2016-06-22

Hydra Tech Call 2016-06-22

Time: 9:00am PDT / Noon EDT

Call-In Info: 1-641-715-3660, access code 651025

Moderator: cam156

Notetaker: Jennifer Lindner


  • Steve Van Tuyl (Oregon State)
  • Mike Eaton (Oregon State)
  • Josh Gum (Oregon State)
  • Ryan Wick (Oregon State)
  • Brandon Straley (Oregon State)
  • Greg Luis Ramirez (Oregon State)
  • Steven Ng (Temple)

  • Lynette Rayle (Cornell)

  • Lakeisha Robinson (Yale)

  • Corey Harper (NYU)

  • Anna Headley (CHF)

  • Esme Cowles (Princeton)

  • Jennifer Lindner (Northwestern)

  • Peter Binkley (Alberta)

  • Mike Giarlo (Stanford)

  • Trey Pendragon (Princeton)

  • cam156 (Penn State)
  • Adam Wead (Penn State)


  1. Roll call by timezone (moderator)
  2. Call for additional agenda items (moderator)
  3. Work on Sufia Nested Works (Oregon State)
  4. Do we have any available and up to date vagrants for Hydra? (Giarlo)

Next call: June 29th (moderator)

  1. Moderator: Steven Ng
  2. Notetaker: Jennifer Lindner


Oregon State Team discussion on the progress of their work on Sufia Nested Works (Relationships)

Three weeks ago, the OSU dev team decided to make nested works happen in Sufia 7, and they've made significant progress. At this point, they'd like to discuss the why and how of how they implemented it, and get feedback. There's a PR in for Sufia, and they've been getting great feedback from it.

Overall, the basic functionality is looking good. The wireframes suggest a bit more functionality, but they decided not to implement some features in favor of others. They focused on associating child to existing works and a parent to an existing work, but left related works for another time.

There is also a sort of a widget when you're trying to find a child or parent for a work, but they decided not to focus on that either. They've been getting feedback on how to talk to the Curation Concerns controller and make the associations.

It'd be great if as many people as possible could take out the branch for spin.

FYI for anyone doing so, the UI work is in the show view, and the functionality more in the edit view. In the edit view there are two tables for parent and children relationships.

Mike Giarlo asked for screenshots to be added to their PR, one per view that has changed -- lately they've been tagging UI/UX folks who can't necessarily spin up the whole application, and supplying screenshots for their critiques.

OSU added that it's been fun. They're trying to get it merged by Friday -- ideally. All feedback and comments would be best earlier than later.

Mike Giarlo -- happy they closed all tickets, that's great, and if there's anything outstanding that isn't written up as a ticket please do so.

Available and up-to-date Hydra Vagrants

This is as a result of a tweet from a man named Don Richards. He said in it that he spent two days looking for two days for a Hydra vagrant,


Mike Giarlo is not sure if super important if it's Vagrant, but wants something up to date available for people in Don Richards' position, not developers but people who are interested and in need some sort of working version to really investigate.

Several people knew of or had built containers, vagrants, or Ansible playbooks:

Esme just put link into CC of vagrant he made about a month ago, updated it as of a week ago.

There was Ansible work at the dev conf in MI, playbook is linked on project hydra labs. (MjGiarlo suggested it, but the readme proved confusing.)

Mark Bussey was looking at this too.

There was general agreement to push Vagrants to Atlas.

UW has a hydra docker container repo on bit bucket https://bitbucket.org/uwlib/, asked to post link in chat. Esme added that the script to build the CC Vagrant is easily adaptable to Sufia 7.

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