Hydra Tech Call 2016-08-24
Hydra Tech Call 2016-08-24
Time: 9:00am PDT / Noon EDT
Call-In Info: 1-641-715-3660, access code 651025
Moderator: Jeremy Friesen
Notetaker: cam156
- Jeremy Friesen (Notre Dame)
- Lynette Rayle (Cornell)
- Steven Ng (Temple)
- Jennifer Lindner (Northwestern)
- Corey Harper (NYU)
- Lakeisha Robinson (Yale)
- Andrew Myers (WGBH)
- Trey Pendragon (Princeton)
- tamsin woo - (DPLA)
- akhedkar(Indiana)
- Adam Wead - (Penn State)
- cam156 - (Penn State)
- justin (Stanford)
- Michael Joseph Giarlo (Stanford)
- Roll call by timezone per following order (moderator)
- folks outside North and South America
- Eastern timezone
- Central timezone
- Mountain timezone
- Pacific timezone
- folks who were missed or who dialed in during roll call
- Call for additional agenda items (moderator)
- RDF2 ramifications in CC 1.4+/Sufia 7.2+ (Trey)
- New version of active triples uses RDF2
- Add multiple titles to an object the order that the indexes the items is random, so that each time you save it it will show the statements in a different order.
- May cause people pain, which is consitent with RDF
- Users were assuming we were modeling order, but we were not
- Can be built, but may not be on other's plate
- Should be much faster
- Due to efficiencies due to transactions
- May not be related to RDF2
- Add multiple titles to an object the order that the indexes the items is random, so that each time you save it it will show the statements in a different order.
- if you put RDF 1.99 you will get the old behavior
- if you do not put RDF in your gemfile you will get the new version
- Do a sort in the indexer instead of the presenter since that only has to happen one time. Alpha sort would be low hanging fruit.
- Alpha order may not be sufficient, but is better than nothing.
- May need additional fields
- Use RDF list in the properties, but we do not know how long that would take as RDF list is unstable
- Solved in Fedora 3 serialized the graph
- Is this a high priority for people? It is an issue for Lynette, are there others?
- Why is there an order (primary Author with multiple predicates). This is an opportunity to look at our model, but there will need to be modeling and human communication work.
- Action: Write a ticket for curation concerns to alpha sort in both the form and the index
- Action: Write a ticket in ActiveFedora for doing ordered terms.
- New version of active triples uses RDF2
- Should ActiveTriples return literals by default? (Tom)
- Proposed behavior is complete at https://github.com/ActiveTriples/ActiveTriples/pull/246
- Should not be a major change
- In the past we have always cast literal value in graphs to ruby objects
- possible to take data types of literals or language type literals
- MyResource.property = MyResource.property
- could use language types
- MyResource.property = MyResource.property
- possible to take data types of literals or language type literals
- Changes:
- RDF plain litterals are cast to ruby strings
- Know data types are still cast to ruby data types
- dates
- times
- tokens
- Language tag literals return as RDF literal objects retaining the language tags.
- give you access directly to the language tags
- Unknown data types return as RDF literal objects
- Set a relation to another relation those will be handled behind the scenes as RDF literal objects
- Should be non breaking for most and positive for people using language tags.
- Need thumbs up on the PR or continued silence is consent
- Proposed behavior is complete at https://github.com/ActiveTriples/ActiveTriples/pull/246
- Mediated deposit issue analysis & technical design (Giarlo)
- Community sprint starting on Monday working for a few months on implementing a mediated deposit work flow.
- User stories that exist in Sufia. Labeled Meditated Deposit. Need developers to look at them and make them actionable.
- Need to get into technical design about how and where we implement this
- Problems with proposed method of "related files" in PCDM (Drew)
- tabled for next time.
- Moderator/notetaker for next time:
- Moderator: Drew Myers
- Notetaker: Mike Giarlo