Hydra Tech Call 2016-07-27
Hydra Tech Call 2016-07-27
Time: 9:00am PDT / Noon EDT
Call-In Info: 1-641-715-3660, access code 651025
Moderator: Steven Ng
Notetaker: Esmé Cowles
- Esmé Cowles
- Steven Ng
- Benjamin Armintor
- Collin Brittle
- Adam Wead
- Jeremy Friesen
- Corey Harper
- Mark Bussey
- Trey Pendragon
- tamsin woo
- Anna Headley
- justin
- Lynette Rayle
- Roll call by timezone per following order (moderator)
- folks outside North and South America
- Eastern timezone
- Central timezone
- Mountain timezone
- Pacific timezone
- folks who were missed or who dialed in during roll call
- Call for additional agenda items (moderator)
- Upcoming developer meeting at Penn State (Adam)
- Just wanted to let everyone to know that there is a Hydra developer meeting at Penn State in September
- Sign up here - https://www.eventbrite.com/e/penn-state-developer-concentrate-tickets-26610150677
- Trying to keep it to small groups on three topics:
- Bag Import/Export
- Generalizing Plum workflows
- Dashboard
- Slowness with large collections? (Mark)
- Mark: Slowness with large collections, adding items to a collection slows linearly with collection size
- Minutes to add an item with CurationConcerns 1.1
- Trey: Unreleased version (AF master branch) fixes a lot of this, but there is still underlying Fedora slowness
- We can't just update CC because there are other issues: ordering of values is no longer stable with updated ActiveTriples/RDF dependencies
- Can't backport the performance updates
- Justin: So DCE should use AF master to see how much it improves things
- Mark: We'll do that and see how much it helps
- Justin: May also want to look at AF #1110 — that turns off the indexing of objects as JSON and putting them in Solr
- Adam: Should we replace that functionality?
- Justin: We can remove it entirely, and use Blacklight find method instead
- Mark: Assuming 10K objects in a collection is just too many, what do we do? Just put a collection identifier in the object?
- Esme: We have considered reversing the relationship, so each object would have an LDP container to link from the object to the collections its a member of
- Mark: What about user collections? Maybe one object is in everybody's user collection?
- Esme: Maybe we could model those the old way? I would expect user collections to be smaller
- Justin: Batching collection adds can also help
- Mark: Yes, we've done that, but it's still taking forever when we finally do add them at the end
- Mark: Slowness with large collections, adding items to a collection slows linearly with collection size
- Moderator/notetaker for next time:
- Moderator: Adam
- Notetaker: Justin
, multiple selections available,