June 9, 2017 Samvera Partner Call

June 9, 2017 Samvera Partner Call


Hydra Partners Call (May 2017)
Friday, May 12, 2017
11:30 am  |  Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-05:00)  |  1 hr 

Meeting number:  737 192 431 
Meeting password: h9cwrT45

Join from a video conferencing system or application
Dial  738605799@tufts.webex.com
Join by phone
+1-617-627-6767 US Toll
Access code: 737 192 431 

Facilitator: Carolyn Caizzi
Notetaker:  pbinkley


(recording misses the beginning of meeting)


Welcome to the first meeting with our new name!  Pronounce at will. 

  1. The Michigan Daily Archives: Newspapers in Blacklight & IIIF (Chris Powell, University of Michigan)
    Student newspaper publishing since 1890. Have wanted to put online for a decade, but now have done so in time for the bicentennial. 
    Is not a Samvera project per se, but uses Blacklight, Solr and IIIF.  Chris gave a live demonstration of the search and faceting, page turning, and ability to download. 
    Future plans include abstracting this work and extracting gems to share with the rest of the community.  

    1. Will Cowan shared that Indiana is using Plum to run a newspaper project - trying to solve the OCR and search problem.  Getting close to having it go live.  
      1. Likes the way it handles image uploading, page turning ability 
      2. Uses IIIF universal viewer 
      3. Mentioned Newspaper interest group within the Samvera Community 
      4. Princeton has migrated Plum to Hyrax 

  2. Reminder - sign up for Samvera Virtual Connect - to attend, to give a lightning talk, to give anIG/WG update
  3. Any partners running Hyrax 1.01 in production? (Carolyn)
    1. Emory will be in production soon (by the end of June)
    2. Cincinnati will be up soon, as will be Michigan 
    3. Mike's list: Hyrax Implementations  - view and add to this list 
  4. Announcements 
    1. Mike Giarlo gave an update on the group that is working on "Defining roles, responsibilities, and decision-making frameworks that would help us work together effectively as a community, and mitigate some of our commonly identified problems."   That group will be meeting again soon and Mike will give an update on the July partner call.
  5. For next month's Samvera Partner call, Mike Giarlo will take notes, and Dan Coughlin will facilitate. 


Add your name here

  • Karen Cariani
  • Thomas Scherz, University of Cincinnati (substituting for Linda Newman, who sends her regrets)
  • Andrew Rouner, WUSTL
  • Nabeela Jaffer and Chris Powell, University of Michigan
  • Margaret Mellinger (Oregon Digital) 
  • bess (Data Curation Experts)
  • Chris Awre (Hull)
  • Rebecca Fraimow, WGBH 
  • Sadie Roosa, WGBH
  • wgcowan
  • Mike Korcynski (Tufts)
  • Peter Binkley, Leah Vanderjagt, Weiwei Shi (UAlberta)
  • Rick Johnson (U of Notre Dame)

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