Hyrax Implementations
Hyrax Implementations
Please move the content from this page to In-production or In-development Implementation pages. This page will be archived in January 2019
A list of known Hyrax-based applications and the features that have added to them. Before a feature is added to Hyrax, consider extracting it from one of these applications.
See also this list of public Hyrax-based applications that GitHub maintains: https://github.com/samvera/hyrax/network/dependents
Please link to your public site in the first column!
Name + Link | Maintainer | GitHub | Live URL | Features |
Hyku | https://github.com/projecthydra-labs/hyku |
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Plum retired 4/6/18 | Princeton University | https://github.com/pulibrary/plum |
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Laevigata | Emory University | https://github.com/curationexperts/laevigata |
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ScholarWorks | CSU San Marcos | https://github.com/csuscholarworks/bravado | https://csusm.digital.calstate.edu/ |
USDA-ESMIS | Cornell University | ? |
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Vault | University of Victoria | https://github.com/UVicLibrary/Vault |
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ScholarsArchive@OSU | Oregon State University | https://github.com/osulp/Scholars-Archive | https://ir.library.oregonstate.edu/ |
Arch | Northwestern University | https://arch.library.northwestern.edu/ |
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PTRS | Biocomplexity Institute of Virginia Tech |
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Heliotrope | University of Michigan | https://github.com/mlibrary/heliotrope |
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damspas-rd | University of California, San Diego | https://github.com/ucsdlib/horton |
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OHSU Scholar Archive | Oregon Health & Science University | https://github.com/curationexperts/mahonia |
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CommunityArchive@LBCC | Linn-Benton Community College | https://github.com/lbcclib/community_archive | http://libarchive.linnbenton.edu/ | |
Nurax | Nurax maintainers in Samvera community (a common instance for testing Hyrax releases) | https://github.com/curationexperts/nurax | http://demo.curationexperts.com |
Avalon | Indiana University and Northwestern University | https://github.com/samvera-labs/avalon-bundle |
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The Hive | University of Utah |
, multiple selections available,
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