Atrium Code Swap Notes

Atrium Code Swap Notes

What Atrium Adds to a Rails Application

In short, it gives you Collections with Descriptions, custom Facets, Showcases & Display themes.

Create Collections

  • Choose Scope for Collection
  • Configure which Facets to display in a Showcase
    • Facets can be hierarchical
  • Set description for Collection
  • Select featured items for Collection

Apply Themes/Templates (ie. Bootstrap template) to Collections

Create Exhibits in a Collection


Information created in Atrium is written to a database via ActiveRecord not Fedora
Code is in a Rails 3.1 Engine
Blacklight is a dependency, but devs have made an effort to make Atrium freestanding as much as possible

Models in Atrium (ActiveRecord)

Collection: basically a saved search with description
Showcase: container for descriptions & layout – injected at any point, can be rendered anywhere in template
Exhibit: container for nested facets

Code Status

Engine will install and you'll have some documentation. Next step is to work on extracting out the parts that would make your own application. This would be in the form of generators.

Targeted Users

Curators who are building collections. Not targeted to archivists. Could also be students that are interested in building their own collections as well.

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