Samvera for Managers
Samvera for Managers
- What do I need to know to make a decision about Samvera?
- Proven scalability
- How big a repo (#of objects, type of objects, total dataset size) can Samvera handle in a "Standard" implementation
- When do "special" steps need to be taken to scale total object storage (fedora), accession or search rate (solr), user access (rails, web server, etc.)?
- Largest volume of materials it has been known to handle
- What does an average installation look like (mean or median number of objects under management across all Partners)
- Largest number of objects under management
- Most complex metadata or relationships under management
- Largest individual items under management (full length HD-video? Avalon and WGBH)
- Features/functionality that already exist
- Customizable functionality
- Ease of implementation
- availability of turnkey
- availability of solution bundles
- see also 4.a-c
- Hardware needs to run it/software needs?
- Local datacenter
- Cloud implementations (AWS or other)
- What is the min avg and max for resource & skill needs
- Proven scalability
- How wide is the community?
- How long has it been used in major institution?
- What will Samvera do for my organization?
- Avoids reinventing the wheel
- Makes internal teams more robust by infusing outside perspective and insight (see 3.a)
- How does the Samvera system compare to current vender/proprietary systems already on the market?
- Collaboration Model
- Technical model - framework for customization & development vs. fixed product with finite configuration options
- Open Source - no ongoing or annual licensing, full access to source code / IP
- What are the skills needed to implement, maintain and evolve? (or more broadly, what does it cost to own Samvera over time - can we say that most Samvera costs are in Human resourcing?)
- How many people do we need?
- How hard is it find people with those skills?
- How hard is it to gain and polish those skills?
- What is the specific technical potential for Samvera long term?
- Samvera framework components separated to support evolution - data store / index / presentation / rights management - eg. UCSD dams uses different datastore
- What does Samvera do really well?
- What does Samvera do not so well?
- Use stories & content specifics
- What exists?
- text
- generic file
- audio
- image
- video
- abstract datasets
- What possible?
- future abstract datasets
- evolving media support (new formats, containers constantly being added)
- What exists?
- Gems/heads that currently exist and what they do
- How does one get involved and what is expected of my institution?
- point at updated Samvera Community page?
- Community Sustainability
- Financial Model
- Governance Model
- Growth Plan
- How does Samvera relate to other software within this EcoSystem
- repositories
- preservation options
- workflow technologies
- Interoperability & Migration
- What is possible?
- What support is possible pre, during & post implementation?
, multiple selections available,
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