Samvera Organizations: Samvera Labs

Samvera Organizations: Samvera Labs

What is Samvera-Labs?

The samvera-labs Github repository is for Samvera Experiments, Works-in-progress, and Beta versions of gems and apps. Projects here may be suitable for production use, but awaiting broader adoption.

Requirements for creating a project

The samvera-labs repository is meant to be a true lab, and experimentation is to be encouraged as much as possible. The committers may accept any any contributions to samvera-labs by anyone in the community wishing to offer their work.

Guidelines for Promotion to Samvera from Labs

You may utilize this template to display how your repository meets each criteria

To move from samvera-labs to the core samvera code organization, the following requirements must be met:

Code Requirements

  1. Code must be released at version >= 1.0

  2. Good unit test coverage measured by community (e.g. 100% or 75% of whatā€™s important)

  3. uses CI (Preferably CircleCI, unless there is a compelling reason to do something else)

  4. uses Coverage tool (coveralls or simplecov)

  5. Show compatibility with current Rails versions and other dependencies, when was it last tested; note compatibility with prior versions when available. Compatibility can be specified in the gemspec(s) or verified via CI matrix.

  6. Hierarchy of promises asserted in clearly defined acceptance tests

Documentation Requirements

  1. LICENSE file, Apache 2 (or compatible)

  2. README.md

  3. Statement of purpose

  4. Basic install steps

  5. Identify any volatile/experimental features

  6. How to contribute -> CONTRIBUTING.md

  7. How/Who to contact for help -> push out to all gems like CONTRIBUTING.md

  8. Known issues documented in github Issues tickets (not just listed in text)

  9. Tutorial / Walkthrough / Example usage

  10. Resolve TODO items in documents and remove them

Use Requirements

  1. Community use by three or more institutions

  2. In active use for six months

  3. Has an ongoing maintenance plan.

Mechanism for Promotion

As needed or requested, code repositories are reviewed for promotion / deprecation. To start this process, email the Samvera Tech list with a request. Provide documentation that all of the above requirements have been met. Ask for a spot on the next developerā€™s call to discuss the issue. Once the promotion has been decided, another email should go out to the list with an announcement.

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