What should be in which Hydra gems
What should be in which Hydra gems
hydra-rails (will replace hydra-head)
Stuff that definitely belongs in hydra-rails gem (formerly hydra-head) – stuff you need to build rails apps that use Fedora, Solr & ActiveFedora
- Hydra Rake Tasks
- Hydra Official Object & Datastream Models
- Hydra FileAssets & Datastreams Controllers
- Bare minimum of view helpers
Classes & Helpers for gated discovery, controlled access to views, and permissions-based UI features
- Hydra Submission Workflow -- currently relies on old AssetsController in hydra-rails2-remnants gem!
MODS Stuff -- currently relies on old AssetsController in hydra-rails2-remnants gem!
- Hydra Mods Article Submission/Editing UI (End-User) -- should be done as view helpers as much as possible...
- Hydra MODS Object & Datastream Models
Legacy Stuff (mostly UI) that's used by Hydra Heads that were originally built with rails2 hydra code.
- Hydra View Helpers (other than the ones actually necessary for hydra-rails gem or other gems)
- Hydra UI/Layout (End-User) [all those overrides to Blacklight layout]
- Hydra Javascript (End-User) -- (other than the ones actually necessary for hydra-rails gem or other gems)
- Hydra CatalogController and AssetsController (deprecated) -- should only be removed if/when downstream dependencies no longer need it
hydra-bootstrap ???
Posible gem to create a "starter" app with decisions made up to the level of views, forms, submission workflow, etc.
hydra-sample-app ???
Possible "Sample Rails App" gem/plugin
, multiple selections available,
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