1 Speed, performance, scale | cloud- based solutions training and upskilling experiencing developing and using performant and scaled software benchmarking tools skills (understanding, testing correctly -- easy to get wrong) test suite skills for benchmarking tooling (what are we measuring, how are these developed and managed) research and learning is a constant for these new tools in a could environment -- exploring and experimentation mindset vs problem-solving lots of options and tools all the time finding the performance balance point | suite of benchmarking tools | supporting experimentation and trying new things think about the user experience as primary: process to prioritize the user experience What do we mean by scaling? What are the pain points? Defining performance for the use case -- hard and a lot of work! challenging for community development - devs are a step removed. Things are slow sometimes because the skillset to articulate what is needed is missing data seeds for both functionality testing and performance testing | Notre Dame did a lot of this asset pipeline work in an AWS mindset. I was not part of the development, but it was an AWS first mindset. |