Guidelines for writing tickets

Guidelines for writing tickets

The Basic Idea: Cucumber-style stories

If possible, use Gherkin syntax to write Cucumber-style stories in your ticket descriptions. Cucumber uses the uses Gherkin's Given-When-Then format to define steps within a given scenario.

When in doubt, at very least, include a section in your Story/Bug that says "You will know this is working when..." or "You will know this is fixed when..."Ā 

This is an example of a Cucumber feature/story:

We don't expect your tickets to be this detailed. See the Examples section below for links to real "story" and "bug" tickets.

Feature: Create Asset or Dataset Split Button
  In order to create new Assets or Datasets
  As an editor
  I want to see a button that will let me create a new Article or Dataset

  Scenario: Editor views the search results page and sees the add article button
    Given I am logged in as "archivist1"
    Given I am on the base search page
    Then I should see "Add an article" within the "create asset" split button
    And I should see "Add a dataset" within the "create asset" split button

  Scenario: Non-editor views the search results page and does not see the add article button
    Given I am on the base search page
    Then I should not see "Add an article"
    And I should not see "Add a dataset"


Examples of well written Stories:

Examples of well written Bugs: