August 14, 2015
August 14, 2015
Dial: +1 (530) 881-1400
Access Code: 651025#
Facilitator: Rick Johnson (Notre Dame)
Notetaker: Mark Matienzo (DPLA) Linda Newman (Cincinnati)
- Richard Green (Hull)
- Karen Cariani (WGBH)
- Mark Matienzo (DPLA)
- Eben English (BPL)
- Simeon Warner (Cornell)
- Chealsye Bowley (Case Western Reserve)
- Deborah Kane (NorthWestern)
- Linda Newman (Cincinnati) (Notetaker)
- Rick Johnson (Notre Dame) (Facilitator)
- Will Cowan (Indiana)
- Mike Giarlo (Penn State)
- Tom Cramer (Stanford)
- Sheila Rabun (Oregon)
Agenda & Notes
- Roll Call
- Attending
- Welcome New Folks
- Call for Agenda Items
- Next call
- Date: September 11th
- Facilitator: Karen Cariani
- Notetaker: Mike Giarlo
- Hydra-in-a-Box project (Mark Matienzo)
Working on design phase and analyzing results of the survey. Small project meeting next week in Cleveland. Will release a report of the survey results in Sept. just in time for Hydra Connect. Sizable presence and plenary and breakout sessions re Hydra in a Box at Hydra Connect. A communication plan to share more public information is a goal for next week's project meeting. Good response rate. Mark thinks there were 248 complete responses to the survey and about 700 responded who did not totally finish. - Interest in Hydra hackfest? (Mike Giarlo)
Developers have indicated it would be good to have more F2F. Thinking about hosting a hackfest at Penn State, as soon as possible - November or December timeframe. Would love to get feedback on timing and scope. Feedback was positive. Despite the holidays, November / December may have fewer conflicts with other conferences and weather challenges. Week before the Thanksgiving week may be a good possibility. Specific agenda could be finalized after seeing attendees list, but agenda will include PCDM. One constraint that could be placed on the group could be that whatever work is done should be able to be started and finished in a week. Rick suggested a short unconference session at HydraConnect to plan for this. Mike will confer with developers and get back to us. Looking at 3-5 days if people can spare the time. - Progress on issues from Power Steering
- (see https://github.com/projecthydra-labs/power-steering/issues)
- (see also https://waffle.io/projecthydra-labs/power-steering)
No reports from attendees. Linda noted that some issues are assigned to Working Groups. Rick commented that this is ripe for an unconference session at Hydra Connect.
- Standing Community to-do's
- Reports back from meetings (if any)
No reports - Next Partner and dev-centric meetings
- Hydra Connect 2015 (Richard)
Only 24 tickets left. Good information on the wiki - Hydra Connect 2015 Be sure to register for workshops as well. Hydra Connect 2015#Pre-conferenceworkshops
Sessioner will be run Tuesday night of the conference to stage the Unconference. We can start posting our suggestions for the Unconference now: http://connect2015.curationexperts.com/home
Poster information can be found here: Poster sign-up and details of local printing arrangements
Rick asked if there would be accomodations for Parking. Richard will make inquiries. - Hydra Connect 2016 (Richard)
Steering is still working on this.
- Hydra Connect 2015 (Richard)
- Training
Opportunities at Hydra Connect. Possible camp in Europe next Spring. - Reports from Interest & Working Groups
Rick noted that there is a need to have representation from Interest & Working groups on this monthly call.
- Archivists Interest Group
Mike Giarlo reported that he has heard from a colleague on the group that their focus is on planning for a meeting at the SAA conference in Cleveland.
- Digital Preservation Interest Group
Will Cowan reported that there was a good presentation yesterday about an effort in England to use Archivematica with Fedora. Richard Green was not on yesterdays call but is part of that project. A grant from JISC in the UK has funded an effort to look at Archivematica for Research Data specifically. They are looking now at whether Archivematica is extendable as part of the workflow for any content that is meant to preserved in a repository. There will be a poster at Hydra Connect.
- User Experience Interest Group
No report - Web presence WG
Richard: There will be a report at Hydra Connect. - Service Manager IG
Linda, Rick: Preparing for a workshop at Hydra Connect that will focus on moving from project management to service management. - Page viewer/page turner IG
Richard: Currently not meeting. Fortnightly calls suspended for now as they work on consolidating their findings - temporarily a working group! Something should appear at or by Hydra Connect. -
Samvera Metadata Interest Group
No report. There have been updates on the elists. - Time-based Media IG (T-MIG)
Will reported that the group has been meeting irregularly over the summer but is looking to get back into a regular pattern. - Linda commented that a new group is forming, the call for membership has been distributed, and the group may be ready to be in the list for the next call:
Samvera Metrics Interest Group
- Archivists Interest Group
- Reports back from meetings (if any)
- Prospective Partner Intel Sharing
Several reports. - Any other old or new business
Rick commented that Regional meetings should be highlighted on our agenda for the next meeting.
The general topic of recruitment was raised and that an increasing number of Hydra developer jobs are open judging by elist posts. Linda commented that she is pursuing opportunities for engaging and training via internal recruitment. Developer recruitment might be a good topic for an unconference session at Hydra Connect?
The meeting was adjourned at 12:20.
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