Poster sign-up and details of local printing arrangements

Poster sign-up and details of local printing arrangements

Tuesday afternoon at HC2015 will largely be given over to an open session of posters and demos where attendees will have ample chance to mingle, find out what others are doing with Hydra and ask detailed questions.  We ask that all institutions with staff attending HC2015 try to provide at least one poster about what they have done/are doing/plan to do with Hydra! Sign up in the list below.

We have made arrangements for delegates to have posters printed locally by FedEx (should they wish), direct onto foam board, and then delivered to the University:

  • Posters can be either 24" x 36" ($26 including delivery) or 36" x 48" ($38 including delivery).  Posters can be in either landscape or portrait orientation.  Orders need to be received by 9/14 to ensure free delivery to the University of Saint Thomas by 9/21.  
  • Email usa5646@fedex.com to place orders.  PDF files preferred.  Reference Hydra Connect 2015 - Minneapolis in the subject line.  (The discount and free delivery will not be available online.)
  • Call (+1) (612) 330-0300 to make payment arrangements. 

FedEx Office Hilton Minneapolis
1001 Marquette Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55403




Presenters may direct questions to:  Nathan Heise nathan.heise@fedex.com


Please indicate in the list below that you will be bringing one or more posters - if your institution isn't (yet) listed, please feel free to add it:


InstitutionContact nameContact emailWe will be providing
at least one poster (Y)
American Museum of Natural HistoryBarbara Mathebmathe@amnh.orgY
Arizona State University   
Boston Public LibraryEben Englisheenglish@bpl.orgY
Carnegie Mellon University   
Case Western Reserve University   
Chemical Heritage FoundationMichelle DiMeomdimeo@chemheritage.orgY
Columbia UniversityBen Armintorarmintor@gmail.comY
Cornell UniversityMelissa Wallacemhk33@cornell.eduY
Dartmouth College

John Bell

Carla Galarza



Data Bindery   
Data Curation Experts   
Digital Public Library of AmericaTom Johnsontom@dp.laY
Duke UniversityDavid Chandek-Starkdavid.chandek.stark@duke.eduY
Emory UniversityEmily Portereporter@emory.eduY
Georgia Tech   
Indiana UniversityJon Dunnjwd@iu.eduY - also Avalon shared poster with NU
Lafayette CollegeJames R. Griffin IIIgriffinj@lafayette.eduY - Shared poster with Stanford, Princeton, and Alberta
New York University   
Northwestern University Libraries

Brendan Quinn,

Jennifer Lindner



Y - also Avalon shared poster with IU
Oregon State University  shared poster with Univ. of Oregon for Oregon Digital
Penn StateMichael Tribonemtribone@psu.eduY
Princeton University  shared poster with Stanford, Lafayette, and Alberta
Royal Library of DenmarkAnders Conradasc@kb.dkY
Stanford UniversityDarren Hardydrh@stanford.eduY, shared poster with Princeton, Lafayette, and Alberta
Temple University LibrariesKatherine Lynchkatherine.lynch@temple.eduY
The Ohio State University Terry Reesereese.2179@osu.edu 
Trinity College, DublinKathryn Cassidykcassidy@tchpc.tcd.ieY
Tufts University

Erin Faulder

Alicia Morris



UC Berkeley   
UC San Diego   
UC Santa Barbara   
University of Alberta Libraries  shared poster with Princeton, Lafayette, and Stanford
University of Alberta LibrariesPeter Binkleypeter.binkley@ualberta.caY - bringing independent poster as well
University of CincinnatiLinda Newmannewmanld@ucmail.uc.eduY
University of Houston

Andy Weidner

Sean Watkins



University of HullChris Awrec.awre@hull.ac.ukY
University of MichiganJeremy Morsejgmorse@umich.eduY

University of Minnesota

Lisa Johnstonljohnsto@umn.eduY
University of Notre DameJeremy Friesenjfriesen@nd.eduY
University of Oregon LibrariesSheila Rabunsrabun@uoregon.eduY - joint with OSU for Oregon Digital
University of Texas at Arlington   
University of VirginiaEllen Ramseyellen@virginia.eduY
University of Washington   
Villanova University

David Lacy

Demian Katz



Washington University in St LouisShannon Davisssdavis@wustl.eduY
Wayne State University

Cole Hudson

Graham Hukill



West Virginia UniversityMichael BondMichael.Bond@mail.wvu.eduY
Yale University

Eric James,

Kalee Sprague

