August 10, 2012
August 10, 2012
Hydra Partners call, 10 August 2012 11:30 AM EDT
Robin Ruggaber, Ray Lubinsky (UVa); Adam Wead (RockHall); Mike Stroming, Carolyn Caizzi (Northwestern); Rick Johnson (ND); Richard Green, Chris Awre (Hull)
- Logistics for Sept Meeting
- Agenda for Sept Partners meeting at Notre Dame
- Welcomed Carolyn Caizzi (Northwestern)
- Logistics
- Rick reviewed the timeline and the potential layout for multiple tracks and requested feedback; schedule was approved and group agreed to use the first morning to form the multi tracks which will require people to bring topics. Mike Stroming offered to help with this. SG plans to carve out at least one parallel track outside of the early morning slots.
- Rick reminded the group that the Fairfield discount ends today so if people want to take advantage, they need to do so today.
- Rick asked people to fill in the attendee table so the rooms can be allocated and dinner reservations made.
- Rick said that the network authentication will work for people who come from institutions who are InCommon federated. Accounts will be available for those who are not.
- Library is approximately .5 miles from the Library and parking is limited. Rick will verify parking and email out details but the hotel parking is closer than visitor parking.
- Agenda
- In general what there is fine but we need more input from all the institutions.
- Rick will be sending out a reminder to add agenda items to the wiki in advance.
- Screencasts - Richard mentioned that some of the screencasts were in widescreen mode which will not work for mobile devices and tablets so we need to review and replace those.
- Meeting adjourned 12:03
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