April 13, 2012

April 13, 2012


Chris Awre (Hull)
Richard Green (Hull)
Eddie Shin (mediaShelf)
Robin Ruggaber (UVa)
Rick Johnson (ND)
Tim Sigmon (UVa)

Topics and Notes


  • MOUs in Hull for final signature and will be couriered back to other partners asap
  • 1 page addendum to MOU available soon?

Partner Meeting Scheduling and Location

  • Confirmed again at Charlottesville, VA, June 6-8
  • Sept meeting site still not finalized
    • Notre Dame? Rock Hall?
    • Notre Dame has confirmed ability to host and some interest from IU in sending more folks if at ND (and 4 hours from Cleveland)
    • Tom was going to check with Adam on Rock Hall abilities as there was some interest in having a meeting at a non-University site
  • Should there be a Dec partner meeting?
    • General consensus was at a minimum there should be a Steering group meeting
    • Location TBD?
  • Steering group (at least) should consider longer-term planning.
    • Where should Hydra be in a year? Two years?

Partner Meeting Focus

  • Have more developer topics suggested up front to get more developer attendance?
  • Do we have separate tracks (may depend on who is there but could also get different folks there depending on expected topics)?
  • Have 1 or 2 meetings a year with a heavier technical focus to get involvement from folks with challenged funds?

OR 2012

  • We will probably not hear back on submissions until a week from Monday, April 16 (ie April 23rd)
  • Maintaining a booth
    • Do we have literature available such as bookmarks, 4x6 cards?
    • Use screencasts needed for webinars at OR
      • Do we have screencasts available to run on a flat screen display on different partner implementations? (Useful for demo, or as a loop when stand unmanned (unpersoned?))
      • Ones mentioned were Libra, Hull, Atrium.  Others?
    • How do we staff it? Consensus was it can be done but no clear plan on logistics yet
    • We have a placeholder application in with the conference organisers
    • Take up by email how this might be staffed/run
  • T-Shirt
    • Would be nice to be able to distribute at OR
    • Have available in a limited quantity as incentive for attendance of Hydra workshop (ie. 1st 50 get a t-shirt)
    • Not sure the "we R pwning ur repoztry" is mainstream enough for folks to understand (esp UK!)

Project Mgmt

  • Hudson/Jenkins Server
    • Eddie had to resurrect the Hudson/Jenkins server lately and may want to look at improving the hosting infrastructure for this soon
    • Need to work through transferring ownership from MediaShelf (Chris Beer was listed as the new 'release manager' by Tom)
  • Move JIRA tickets from Duraspace JIRA to Atlassian hosted as it would be free for our open source project and always 'up-to-date' software-wise. Eddie to investigate and to trial migration from DuraSpace.
    • Not bound to Duraspace for maintenance
    • Could integrate with google apps for calendaring and document sharing
    • Integrate with Confluence Wiki
    • Main reservation was what happens if Atlassian decides to stop offering as free?  This might be an issue anyhow with Duraspace JIRA

Google apps

  • need to resolve DNS issues with Tom
  • really important that our lists be xxxxxxx@projecthydra.org - which Google apps would enable.

Action Items

  • Nail down Sept Partner meeting site
    • Rick look at dates in Sept that might work best if at ND (local facilities, competing events, etc)
    • Tom check with Adam about Rock Hall (Tom)
  • Forward MOU 1 page addendum when ready
  • Put out some topics for June partner meeting (all)
  • Decide on partner meetings that could be more dev focused (nail down if we have separate tracks)
  • OR 12 Booth literature (unassigned)
  • OR 12 Screencasts (all)
  • OR 12 T-shirts (unassigned)
  • Eddie look into hosting JIRA on Atlassian (Eddie)

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