Information Architecture - Option 1
Information Architecture - Option 1
- Hydra is a community framework (brief statement)
- Hydra is a technical framework (brief statement)
- Hydra is open source software (brief statement)
- News & Updates (--> blogroll?)
- bunch o' graphics
About (do we need this, or can it be subsumed in other sections?) (I think we most definitely need it; the typical user/assumed audience for this site in particular is going to first ask "what is hydra" and inm y experience will go to an "about" section as a sort of standard corp/org section for just that info. -- JM)
- Hydra vision (yes. i see this page as being the place where slightly longer statements are made re: the information we provide on the main page -- JM)
- using a repository on the back end to provide durable, reusable, robust, preservation-enabled content store
- development of tailored, feature rich apps for specific contexts
- a large, dynamic and vibrant community collaborating to produce a common framework
- Hydra features (if we do the above well, and the tech section is complete (incl pointers elsewhere for comprehensive stuff), i think we can nix this, unless you mean it to hold something else? -- JM)
- Hydra history
At the Open Repositories conference in April 2008 a preliminary discussion took place exploring the possibility of the University of Virginia (UVa) using code from two University of Hull projects (RepoMMan and REMAP) as the basis for a workflow driven Fedora repository. The two teams agreed to speak later that year and the result was a meeting at UVa in September. In the interim, Stanford University had expressed a similar development interest and joined the discussion. The outcome of the meeting was the Hydra Project: an agreement to work together to develop a common, open source framework for repository-powered applications. It was envisaged from the outset that the work would take at least three years and that the project should actively seek to involve others in the collaboration; indeed, the Fedora team were involved from the start - essentially as a fourth partner with an advisory role. It was likewise an early decision that the project should embody a sustainable design philosophy that could be realised in a variety of situations to meet widely varying institutional needs. The decision to use Blacklight as the basis of Hydra's search and discovery functions brought in a fifth partner, MediaShelf LLC, a company that had been heavily involved assisting with its development and who have been key to much of the code design. - The first two years of the project saw a lot of work go into fundamental architectures. Many of the initial ideas were tested out in a workflow driven solution for handling electronic theses and dissertations at Stanford. Drawing on this and other experience the project released a first, somewhat rudimentary, Hydra head (Hydrangea) in summer 2010. Whilst Hydrangea never really progressed beyond beta status, the public code base and the extensive background information on the wiki allowed others to start their own Hydra-based projects at the same time as the founding partners were working to implement a range of production systems of their own. The Open Repositories conference in June 2011 saw a number of Hydra implementations demonstrated in a block of '24/7' presentations. Although some of these were still in development, they will become production systems in the relatively short term.
- Comparison to other projects
(I still think this is really valuable, and I'm still happy to own the draft of it, but I think i'd scale back the list of comparisons from what we have -- JM)
- Open source statement (fuller than on front page?) (do we need to have something longer than the extended chunk in the "vision" page? -JM)
- Events, Presos, Articles...
- Hydra Partner Institutions
- Hydra Community Structure, Groups
- Hydra community principles
Technology (I think this is all still good and on track, but i wonder if we talk about it as it stands now or as that which we're quickly moving toward (e.g. rails3 & gemifying & platform, etc -- JM)
- Platforms: RoR, Java, Fedora, Solr
- Diagram
- Details on Technical stack
- Fedora
- Blacklight
- OM
- AF
- Services
- workflow
- etc.
- Hydra objects & content models
- Links to GitHub
- Technical principles
Apps & Demos
- ETDs
- EEMs
- Libra
- Hydrangea in Hull
- HyGall
- Hypatia
- etc.
Side Bar Links (avail on all pages...)
- Wiki
- Git
- Contact
, multiple selections available,