Hydra Website Information Architecture
Information Architecture - Option 1
General Comments
Visual design is crucial
Diagrams need to be visually pleasing
Home Page
Establish: One Body, Many Heads
Keep it minimal. Focus on key, key features. Link to download.
Community Page
Main paragraph is time-specific. Will become outdated quickly.
Address Stability.
- Not grant funded – Consciously building community for stability from the beginning rather than seeking out a long-term model after money runs out.
- collaboration
- governance model
- healthy developer community
- training
- vendors
Features Page
People don't read the paragraphs on a Features page.
First set of bullets should list the key features of the core
Self-Submit Features, Data Curation Features, Administrative Features, etc. (rather than organizing by Head or content type
Content Types
Technologies Page
links to projecthydra.com/om, projecthydra.com/solrizer