Objectives for 2011 Calendar Year
Technical Objectives
- replace Hydrangea with unbranded Libra
- go to Rails 3 for both BL and Hydra, gemify Hydra (Urgent)
- collections support
- 2-step workflow
- dashboard
- multiple content type support: data sets, articles, ETDs, AV, images, archival materials, et al.
- codify Hydra (micro)services in architecture
- explore GIS head
Community Objectives
- have really good technical documentation
- have a really good public facing website
- have screen casts for install, config, et al.
- a listing of Hydra heads with consistent descriptions
- and a template for adding new ones
- and links to demo sites for each
- OR11 workshop & paper(s)
- Hydra curriculum
- LibDevConX^2
- expand number of core, contributing Hydra institutions by 2-4
- UK profile expansion
Institutional Objectives
- deploy Libra, w/ support for open access articles, books, data sets, etd's
- Hydra front-end for managing & delivering library digital materials (1M images & MSS)
- bulk ingest
- Hydrangea in Hull live in September; replacing Muradora.
- automated ingest from RIS
- UK advocacy
- Hydrus / SDR front end live this summer
- support for collections, two-step workflow, multiple content types, dashboard
- microservices for ingest / object building
- some Argus progress (to be scoped) for admin UI
- LibDevConX^2
- supporting all projects involved with
- some data set work (to be identified)
- Hydra Camp '11
- published Hydra curriculum
- Hydra hosting & deployment
- have one