Samvera Tech Call 2024-04-17
Meeting Logistics:
Time: 9:00am PDT / Noon EDT
Zoom Meeting URL:
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Agenda (meeting notes below)
Can Hyrax' default admin set id become backwards compatitble to play nice with Fedora v6.5?
Avalon: Emory’s Avalon v7.2 application has stopped delivering media files to Students enrolled in External Groups (
) via Canvas. Otherwise, the application itself works normally.Double Combo status update
Moderator: @Jeremy Friesen
Notetaker: @Daniel Pierce
@Bradley Watson
@Rob Kaufman
@Heather Greer Klein
@Chris Colvard
Meeting Process
AdminSet ID compatibility
Fedora forward slash option is not working
Emory working on making own default admin set work, but wants this to not be a pain point for Hyrax 5 adopters.
Rob: Can existing id be used? How are existing items linked to the admin set?
Jeremy: With double combo work, at point of lazy migration, the mapping could occur. Admin sets ought to be first items to be migrated.
Rob: Simplify this by specifying a specific known uuid for the default admin set; and at the point of lookup perform the conversion to the known / agreed upon UUID
Avalon issue
Emory Avalon 7.2 Canvas integration suddenly not working.
Will be meeting with Chris Colvard to troubleshoot.
Might be an upstream change that cause breakage, or maybe permissions.
Reason is ACL listener that calls Wings AF converter, which tries to set members on AF obj to valk obj members.
Should converter be smarter about touching membership?
Possible solutions
Rewrite converter to only touch membership if members is a passed arg
Allow membership update to be disabled by passed arg
Is this the right place for this at all?
double_combo review
Daniel’s working on the dassie test.
Aiming for end of week review/approval/”final” feedback.
Moderator and Notetaker
@Heather Greer Klein will moderate, @Bradley Watson will note take