2022-03-11 Partner Call

2022-03-11 Partner Call




Samvera Partners Call

Friday, March 11th, 2022

11:30 am  |  Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-05:00)  |  1 hr

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Meeting ID: 964 6146 1639

Code of Conduct

We want Samvera Community to be a fun, informative, engaging event for all our partners and participants.

  1. We encourage everyone to apply the Samvera community principles of openness, inquiry, and respect in their interactions at the event.

  2. Please review the Code of Conduct and Anti-Harassment Policy.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to community helpers

Facilitator: @Heather Greer Klein

Note Taker: @Trey Pendragon


  • Trey Pendragon

  • Esme Cowles

  • Carolyn Caizzi

  • John Weise

  • Margaret Mellinger

  • Harriett Green

  • Timothy Lepczyk

  • Glen Horton

  • Rory McNicholl

  • Rosalyn Metz

  • Jon Dunn

  • Nora ZImmerman

  • Karen Cariani

  • Kevin Kochanski

  • Benjamin Armintor

  • Rob Kaufman

  • Abigail

  • Julie Hardesty

  • Kate Lynch

  • Franny Gaede

  • Stuart Kenny

  • Brian McBride

  • Jim Halliday

  • Brian McBride

  • Alicia Morris

  • Jim Halliday

  • Chris Awre

  • Thomas Scherz

  • Rachel Lynn

  • Glen Horton

Agenda & Notes

  1. Any other items for the agenda? 

  2. Discussions ( @Esmé Cowles )

    1. API use in Samvera

      1. Exercise in October about short/mid-term priorities. Spent some time looking at feedback/ideas and there were a lot of good ideas, but two practical ones to talk about and gather more info about to see if we want to organize any collective work. Esme worked with Nabeela Jaffer and David Schober.

      2. Documentation about applications that have particularly strong usage of APIs and some references to gems or services that are being commonly used. There are some apps that are entirely an API and used to power a front-end, and others that just have some.

      3. APIs over time could be a way to enable trying out new languages, models, etc. In the short term - encouraging people to look at the wiki page and add their applications/API modules they know of.

      4. Is there any more organized effort that we should undertake? A working group or something?

      5. Ubiquiti and the advancing hyku project want to deliver to Hyku a general resultset/search API. One level higher than maybe what’s here - should it be included?

        1. Yes. In fact it’s in the list.

      6. Long term work we could do. Offers some long term prospects for putting APIs in place to allow for the ability to swap things in.

    2. Research data repository use case (Google Doc)

      1. When going through various projects the single area with most interest was research data. Big priority for a number of folks - a lot of work has been done already. People are already putting research data in Samvera applications.

      2. Should there be a wiki page for who does what with research data? It overlaps with Samvera instances in production page. For now the spreadsheet is useful as a way to see what’s going on.

      3. Google doc has some features. Some people have these features already, but other ones Nabeela and Esme have talked through features they have in planning but are not in Samvera right now. There’s a lot of options for collaboration we could do.

      4. Given the time frame of what folks are planning to do here, there’s a big opportunity to do code reclamation, community sprints, shared tooling, or even to engage at a higher level and do a collaborative project. Research data on Hyrax?

      5. Who else is interested in research data this year and might want to be involved in discussions or has recent experience they want to share?

        1. Indiana University went their own way (deep blue data) - doing work on that this year. Wants to be involved in any kind of collaborations or feature discussion. There’s something in production now, but it’s basic and there’s not a lot of usage yet - still rolling it out and thinking about features.

        2. Northwestern in discussion with IT research data and gaps in architecture.

        3. Michigan - Nabeela will continue conversation.

        4. Columbia probably looking at discovery in Samvera-ish apps and a dedicated service for data management.

        5. Software Services by Scientist.com (Notch8) is seeing activity here. NIMs (project in Japan - MDR: NIMS Materials Data Repository ) have a large data platform that’s all built on Hyrax. In-app preview of spreadsheets and things they have as features along with a complex data model - they’ll need active reach out to look at opportunities there. (Note added on review of notes - this repository was developed by Paul Walk from Antleaf - see AntLeaf: NIMS)

        6. Indiana also interested in Globus ingest support. +1 from DRI.

  3. Hyrax Technical Lead funding discussion (@Carolyn Caizzi )

    1. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Zre90cPkWlPLTWNX5GxroFtH9Bx048zvkLUPMOiQRoM/edit?usp=sharing

    2. Board decided to fund the Hyrax Technical Lead position for one year to try it out and see how successful it is instead of as a volunteer position.

    3. Came up at partner meeting in the fall about the larger technical lead position. Partners decided that we needed more assessment. Roadmap alignment group helped. A lot of the discussion centered around how the larger tech lead position for all of Samvera be effective when we’re having a lot of pain points around Hyrax.

    4. Couldn’t ask the community to volunteer this position again - need to make it a paid position in the community. Try it out and see how it goes.

    5. This would be okay if we dip into cash reserves - not enough money in operating budget. Oasis benchmarks 6 months of cash reserves as “good” and we have 2.3 years - funding this part-time position we’d be left with 2 years.

    6. Reimburse a partner $45k for at least a quarter time of a person. Job description is linked above developed by previous technical lead and our Hyrax product owner.

    7. How is the Hyrax tech lead different from the community tech position

      1. Listed in PD. Way more focused on technical architecture of Hyrax.

      2. Does the Hyrax tech lead have installation support responsibilities?

        1. Not as written.

        2. We would expect this person if not doing all the communication, but making sure that people get answers on Slack or the list.

        3. Comments that allowing this position to be more technical in nature allows for architectural focus rather than spending.

    8. Some of this idea came from a grant, the idea being that the grant could reimburse a person. The institutions part of this grant would like to continue on with this idea even though the grant didn’t get funded.

    9. How does 0.25 FTE square up with the Hyrax maintenance working group?

      1. Might have to adjust the maintenance working group, or the 45k might be 50%.

    10. Next board meeting is in two weeks, can talk about things like recruitment.

    11. Hoping to hire this person while there’s still the current product owner. Julie’s rolling off by Connect (October)

    12. Also looking for a volunteer Hyrax PO who would work closely with this position.

    13. Does funding this impact the community technical position?

      1. There’s a financial sustainability question to solve for hiring another position, either for this position or a community technical position. That’s on the agenda for May partner meeting.

      2. If we’re having trouble filling a Hyrax technical lead we can take that information into account during the May partner meeting in discussion about rolling that into a larger technical position, potentially.

    14. Please reach out if you have somebody who might be able to do this!

  4. Bylaws change required to formalize contribution model dues collection (@Heather Greer Klein )

    1. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1up2bFiLnTYrLpUWZdz1KpeSgFTrvBshYHH-aoVBUouo/edit?usp=sharing

    2. Due to there being a formalized contribution model in 2022 it needs to be mentioned in the bylaws. It doesn’t detail how the money collecting works, but acknowledges that it’s something we do.

    3. There’s going to be another vote.

  5. Other Updates:

    1. Samvera Virtual Connect planning

      1. Kicking off next week. Call for proposals very shortly. First week in May, partner meeting beforehand. Wednesday/Thursday with partner meeting Monday/Tuesday.

      2. We could use more volunteers! The process is really well built, please volunteer!

    2. Samvera Connect 2022 update

      1. Very close to being able to say October definitively. Working on last minute details.

      2. Will have committee announcements soon.

    3. Hyrax Valkyrization Community Effort March 7 - 18, 2022

      1. Hopefully an overview of what’s happened here for the next partner meeting.

    4. Save the date & volunteer facilitator needed for the next Samvera Developer Congress, May 16 - 20, 2022

      1. James Griffin will be moderating this dev congress. There are already some topics - sign up!

  6. Anything for the Samvera Board? (Standing item)

  7. Date of next call: April 8th, 2022

  8. Notetaker for next call:  @Carolyn Caizzi


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