Avalon/ Hyrax Pals 2018-04-25
Tom Johnson as Tech Lead
Where in the world is Steve Van Tuyl?
Haggis was OK. Really a non-event. Cullen Skink Stew was pretty good. Also, Neeps and Tatties.
Current Work on Hyrax - Chris and Maria
Batch Export/ Edit/ Import - status
IIIF gem for presi spec
Webpacker - Avalon bundle
Collection Extensions PR’s - Chris, Adam, and Karthik
Metadata work group
Other Hyrax work by Avalon
Upcoming work from Hyrax (what is needed?) - Tom and Steve
Roadmap for Avalon 7 - Avalon PO’s
Avalon Grant review and phrasing - Ryan and Maria
Place under SIGAHR WG page as sub-meeting/ committee -Ryan
UH, SAn Diego might be giving people
NU people (Adam - work on front end) -
Keep ball rolling with right mix of levels of experience - don’t get all new people in a second round.
Target to Valkyrize Hyrax by Connect? 3.0 release after Connect - lot between now and then. Get right amount of commitment.
.1 Avalon Bundle - IIIF on gem, prep work. Handle manifests - be able to ingest a IIIF Prezi manifest.
.2 Define what a media metadata and worktype look like - starting to shape what it will look like from a UI standpoint. Find a matterhorn replacement. (8 week cycle)
Custom Worktype - media metadata derivative generation.
Area of overlap - Metadata - Julie and Jen are trying to document metadata in Hyrax - make suggestions for additions of different fields that are more general for time-based media. For content that we have for Avalon.
Flexibility in metadata - how can we be more flexible? Have some suggestions on how to make that happen in Hyrax.
Jen and Julie are both on the Metadata IG. That group has mobilized to look at metadata issues in Hyrax.
Grant is about sustainability (Maria) - the more we get devs in the code and the more we’re involved in Hyrax, maintained by community
And ability to participate in the conversation/ drive.
Oregon asked to put a number on it - what are they losing and gaining - got back double in money what they put into the community - gain they got back was huge
AI: We need to collectively badger Tom about the Bulk WG - Steve will ping
Samvera European meeting - Bosnian Libraries - group of institutions get together and start dabbling? People can start looking and seeing what it will be like. A Valkyrized Hyrax.
Maybe it’s a good time for people looking to answer those questions to form an informal group
That group can offer a level of insight and comfort to adopting that. Maybe work on that instead of features? Path for migration - make it painless.
AI - meeting time
AI - migrate to SIGAHR page