Hyrax Permissions Working Group (HPWG)

Hyrax Permissions Working Group (HPWG)

Scope & Objectives

The Permissioning Analysis Working Group (PAWG), dissolved in September of 2018, produced a list of use cases, a Permissions Matrix, and a document outlining what the group considered general requirements and design principles to feed an expected second phase of work.

The objective of the Hyrax Permissions Working Group is to consider the deliverables produced by the PAWG; assess the technical implications of the functional requirements outlined by that WG; and propose a technical strategy to implement as many as possible of those functional requirements.

Deliverables & Timeframe

The working group deliverables will be:

  1. A document outlining the proposed technical strategy to implement functional requirements. This document will have enough information to guide implementers of permissions-related features in their future work.
  2. A list of the functional requirements addressed by the proposed technical strategy
  3. With as much detail as deemed sufficient, an explanation of why other requirements are not being addressed.
  4. A rough design of the page(s) where permissions and roles are configured.

It is possible that to implement the identified requirements some drastic changes to Hyrax code will be needed. In this case, the HPWG will try to incorporate a phased approach to the proposed technical strategy.

The WG will complete its work from Nov/2019 through March/2020

Close Out Report

On 2020-03-30 we reconvened and agreed to close out the existing group. On 2020-04-07 we published our close-out report.

Meeting Times & Communication Channels

Meeting schedule will be setup by the members once the WG becomes official. Initially, meeting once every other week will be expected. Once the team has met a few times, they will reassess and may propose to meet weekly to make the deadline. 

A slack channel will be created once the WG becomes official.


Note that Working Groups must have participants from three different Partners.  All members of a working group producing software must be licensed Samvera contributors covered by the appropriate CLAs. Other types of contributions such as requirements, design, best practices, documentation, etc. - do not require CLAs but participants should accept that the materials to which they contribute may be released under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License..


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