Vision Statement Working Group

Vision Statement Working Group

Scope and Objectives:

Using the outputs from the Spring 2019 Partner Meeting and the sub sequential analysis, this WG will draft a pithy vision statement for the Samvera Community in time for Connect 2019.

See description and links to visioning work here.


Hannah Frost

Carolyn Caizzi

Robin Ruggaber 

Charlotte Nunes

Maria Whitaker

Julie Hardesty


Wrap Up: Vision Statement unveiled at Connect 2019 : 

Samvera: a vibrant and welcoming community of information and technology professionals who share challenges, build expertise, and create sustainable, best-in-class solutions, making the world’s digital collections accessible now and into the future.

See Connect presentation with more details: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1t-FAHxdqJFznNtftR7XRb8SHWoF1ebfQraWWlqnxWk8/edit?usp=sharing


Settled on a vision statement. Will FYI Steering and Marketing, and will unveil it at Partner face to face.  There is a session during Connect for any further feedback. 


Steering thought that lazy consensus from Partners at Partners meeting is best route for approval of vision statement.  Want Partners to provide statements of support. Try and float a few to community before the Partners meeting on Oct. 21.

Vision statements need to be forward/future oriented, not just a description of what it is currently, a little risky sounds good.

Went through vision statement ideas, and discussed strengths and weaknesses.

Next meeting will be scheduled by Hannah. Combine/edit statements under the current ones and vote on your top 2 from all of the (present and combined).


Review our charge and how we want to accomplish it.

Summer report on the work done on the vision statement from April Partners meeting. Twitter verse responses (Hannah's question).

Sustainability and inclusiveness are major themes. 

Short and sweet for the output of this group. 2-3 sentences at most. 

Samvera Community as opposed to Samvera as just the technology.  Vision statement can include both people/community and technology. 

Samvera.org talks about what we do now and where we are now. The vision should explain where we are going and should also go on Samvera.org

From recommendations for constructing a great vision statement:

Clear, realistic, achievable.
Motivate and inspire.
Provide a sense of connection.

Great vision statements stretch you - if you're not a little bit afraid of your vision, then it's not big enough.

Process: craft visions separately using the data, enter your vision statements on this document by Friday 9/20, and then come together to discuss.

Next meeting: Tues 9/24 2pm ET


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