Samvera Community Safety Working Group

Samvera Community Safety Working Group

Scope & Objectives

This working group is focused on developing an approach to the implementation of recommendations provided by Code of Conduct consultants contracted by Samvera in 2020-2021. The consultants are Sage Sharp/Otter Tech and Annalee Flower Horne. The consultants’ services were engaged at the urging of the Samvera Code of Conduct Working Group (charter) active in 2019 after determining that the community was underprepared to address Code of Conduct violations and other community safety concerns.

Deliverables & Timeframe

Using the input of the consultants, the working group intends to produce:

  1. A structure for organizing volunteers in support of community inclusivity, openness, and safety at community events and in virtual working spaces;
    1. Definition of roles
    2. Framework for rotations, onboarding, and offboarding 

  2. A revised Code of Conduct document;
  3. A documented process for responding to and overall management of reports of Code of Conduct violations;
  4. A draft of community guidelines to undergird our day-to-day interactions within Samvera with a clear statement on expected behavior.

The timeframe for this work is March 2021 - November 2021. (Technically the work of this group started back in December 2020, with the training with Sage Sharp, followed by planning meetings in March and April 2021 as work with Annalee got underway.)

Meeting Times & Communication Channels

Virtual meetings are held monthly, first Thursday of the month, during the period that the working group is active.   

Updates on working group activity are shared via the samvera-community@googlegroups.com email list.

Working group business is discussed on a dedicated Slack channel as needed: #safety-wg


The members are:

  • Hannah Frost, facilitator (Stanford)
  • Heather Greer Klein, Samvera Community Manager
  • Jessica Hilt (UC San Diego)
  • Simeon Warner (Cornell)
  • Rosalyn Metz (Emory)
  • Michael B. Klein (Northwestern)
  • Jeremy Friesen (Notre Dame)
  • Alicia Morris (Tufts)
  • Jon Cameron (Indiana U)
  • Nabeela Jaffer (U Michigan)
  • Bess Sadler (Princeton)
  • Chris Awre (Hull)
  • Brian McBride (U Utah)
  • Kevin Kochanski (Notch8)
  • your name here (your institution here)


Meeting Notes