2018-08-21 Avalon Hyrax Pals Meeting notes

2018-08-21 Avalon Hyrax Pals Meeting notes




Discussion items


Anything from SIGAHR

-order of events to be developed against Hyrax WG

  • Analytics
  • Bulk management

-Valkyrie development and Bulk

Hyrax WG and how things went and the last stuff people worked on. Urgency around Valkyrie.

work to do to explore way forward on Hyrax - possible that work doesn't allow Hyrax to work on Valkyrie immediately. Convos with David, UCLA, OSU - Josh Gumm. Possibly further along than we thought.

Core function of team is to create a solid project. Ticket clearing factory to date. Now have an understanding of team functionality. Real institutional Use Cases to make Hyrax on Valkyrie "go".

Outline of Current Avalon Sprint dev work to Steve and Tom

  Hyrax and IIIF Presentation - state  

Action items
