Hyrax Resourcing - 2019

Hyrax Resourcing - 2019

Resourcing Needs for the Hyrax Roadmap - November 2018-October 2019

At Samvera Connect 2018, members of the community asked us to offer a single request for resourcing elements of the Hyrax Roadmap in order to facilitate planning and coordination. This document represents that “ask”. As noted at Samvera Connect, the results of this call for resources will have real implications for the current Hyrax Roadmap, up to an including removing elements of the roadmap or significantly adjusting the scope of work proposed. We strongly believe that the Samvera Community can meet this request for resources head-on, close out the current Hyrax Roadmap, and realize our shared vision for this core solution bundle.  

Development Areas and Resourcing Needs

In order to close out the current Hyrax Roadmap (one of our goals for the coming year), we will need resourcing in the following five major areas. Each is described below including an estimate of the number of FTEs and an estimate of the amount of time required. Note: these estimates are necessarily uncertain and the numbers here represent our best effort to determine the amount of work for each task.

Hyrax Working Group


The Hyrax Working Group (HWG) is charged with supporting core maintenance and development for Hyrax in order to provide a stable base of support for the solution bundle. This working group is not meant to be a replacement for community-led development efforts and/or contributions, but rather, it is meant to augment such efforts and release community members who are not part of the working group from the responsibilities around maintenance of Hyrax.

We intend for the Hyrax Working Group to simultaneously be a high functioning team and to provide opportunities for less seasoned Samvera Community members to participate in this community effort. To that end, we would like to see a mixture of experience levels on the Working Group, offering a balance between productivity and helping fold newer developers into the community.

The QA Lead, as part of their FTE on the Working Group, will be facilitating QA for other elements of the Hyrax Roadmap (e.g. Bulk Round-Tripping of Data, Permissions, etc.).

Resources Needed:

  • Sprint Coordinator/Scrum Master (0.2-0.5 FTE)

  • QA Lead (0.5 FTE)

  • 3 Full Stack Developers (0.5 FTE)

  • 1 Front End Developer (0.5 FTE)

Time Needed:

This call is to resource the HWG from January 2019-June 2019. Previous iterations of the HWG have run on a two weeks on, two weeks off basis, though depending on the makeup of the team and local (institutional) resource needs. The general expectation is that when a member of the HWG is in an sprint period, their resources will be dedicated 100% to the sprint (barring local emergencies).

Valkyrization of Hyrax


The goal if this development effort is to implement Valkyrie in Hyrax to allow back-end flexibility in Hyrax. Some exploratory work will be conducted at an in-person sprint in late January, 2019 at Penn State University. The focus of this in-person sprint is to build consensus around a technical implementation and to create a proof-of-concept that can be leveraged to complete the work.

Resources Needed:

  • Sprint Coordinator/Scrum Master

  • 4 Backend/Full Stack Developers

Time Needed:

  • Approximately 4 two-week sprints; to be scheduled in Spring or early Summer, 2019

Bulk Round-Tripping of Data (ingest, edit, export)


The goal of this development effort is to develop command line and user interface options for bulk import and export of data, metadata, or both in a number of common data formats. This work will be conducted per requirements defined by Hyrax, Hyku, and Avalon product owners, with consideration of the output of the Hyrax Batch Import Working Group and input from the community.

Resources Needed:

  • Sprint Coordinator/Scrum Master

  • 3 Full Stack Developers

  • 1 Front End Developer

Time Needed:

  • 4 two-week sprints; to be scheduled in late Winter or early Spring, 2019.



The goal of this development effort is to polish and slightly expand functionality around permissions, role, and group management in Hyrax. Specifically, focusing in areas of UI for managing permissions, offering a slightly expanded set of roles, and improving the ability to create and manage groups. This work will be conducted per requirements defined by the Hyrax, Hyku, and Avalon product owners, as well as with input from the community.

Resources Needed:

  • Sprint Coordinator/Scrum Master

  • 3 Full Stack Developers

  • 1 Front End Developer

Time Needed:

  • 2 two-week sprints; to be scheduled in late Spring, 2019



The goal of this development effort is to implement the previously define MVP for Analytics in Hyrax. The Hyrax Analytics Working Group worked with the Hyrax product owner and the broader community to define requirements and review design. In addition, a small group of developers worked towards implementation of Analytics on Hyrax in early 2018. Some of this previous work will still be usable in this next round of development. The scope of the work will be slightly smaller than previously defined.

Resources Needed:

  • Sprint Coordinator/Scrum Master

  • 2 Full Stack Developers

  • 2 Front End Developer

Time Needed:

  • 3 two-week sprints; to be scheduled in late Winter or early Spring, 2019

Please let us know if you would like to contribute resources or would like to have a follow up discussion.


Steve Van Tuyl (Hyrax Product Owner) - steve.vantuyl@oregonstate.edu

Tom Johnson (Hyrax Technical Lead) - johnson.tom@gmail.com

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