Hydra Service Management Interest Group

Hydra Service Management Interest Group

Take Note

The Hydra Service Management Interest Group was officially sunsetted at the end of 2016. It was effectively merged with the Agile Interest Group, also now sunsetted, in order to form the Project + Service Management Interest Group where its work will continue.

Scope & Objectives

As institutions develop and implement increasingly complex systems and tools for managing and presenting digital content, they have the need for dedicated staff to ensure that the research and teaching demands of their respective communities are satisfied by these systems and tools. These staff also must manage the challenge of moving a system or application from its origins as a development project to a more formal production service, with sufficient operational coverage and capacity to scale while balancing on-going development, enhancement, and maintenance needs as well as user support. This emerging, dynamic area is digital library service management.

The Hydra Service Management Interest Group represents the interests of Hydra community members who are responsible for providing digital library and digital repository services to their respective constituencies using software applications built with Hydra technologies.

The objectives of the group are:

  • to grow the scope of the Hydra community to fully engage both developers and service managers 

  • to cultivate a forum focused on Hydra-based service management issues and concerns,

  • to share information, both within the Hydra community and more broadly, about the roles, processes, tools, skills, and training that support the work of digital library service management,

  • to develop resources and opportunities that advance digital library service management in general, and within the Hydra community in particular.

Meeting Times & Communication Channels

Today's (Thursday, October 13th) call has been canceled due to last minute scheduling conflicts. Please watch for announcements on the Hydra-Community and Hydra-Tech email distribution lists for agendas concerning the next call.

Next meeting: Thursday, November 10th at 12pm Pacific / 1pm Mountain / 2pm Central / 3pm Eastern

Regular call schedule: Second (2nd) Thursday of every month at 12pm Pacific Time

Call line: +1 (641) 715 3660 | Access code: 651025#

We use the hydra-community@googlegroups.com channel for cross-community communications. The subject line of a message posted to this channel shall be preceded by "SMIG" in square brackets. 
If and when a dedicated channel is needed, the new channel should be well publicized and open to any interested subscribers/participants in the community.   


If you wish to join, please add your name to the list of members below.  

  • Carolyn Caizzi (Northwestern University)
  • Hannah Frost (Stanford University)
  • Patricia Hswe (Penn State University)
  • Tony Navarrete (Stanford University)
  • Ellen Ramsey (University of Virginia)
  • Julie Rudder (Northwestern University)
  • Linda Newman (University of Cincinnati)
  • John Weise (University of Michigan)
  • Karen Cariani (WGBH)
  • Richard Green (Hull)
  • Alicia Morris (Tufts University)
  • Miranda VanNevel (University of Notre Dame)
  • Chris DeLuca (University of Notre Dame)
  • Gabriela Montoya (University of California, San Diego)
  • Steve Van Tuyl (Oregon State University)
  • Kayla Ondracek (University of Michigan)
  • Trisha Wilson (Emory University)
  • Kieran Etienne (Washington University in St. Louis)
  • Shannon Davis (Washington University in St. Louis)
  • Leah Vanderjagt (University of Alberta)
  • Amy Neeser (University of Michigan)
  • Rosalyn Metz (Emory University)
  • Collin Brittle (Virginia Tech)


  • Open Repositories 2015 (http)
    • Panel Discussion - Carolyn Caizzi, Julie Rudder, Patricia Hswe, Hannah Frost, Tony Navarrete, Greg Colati, Jennifer Eustis (http)
      • Evolve: From Project Manager to Service Manager - Carolyn Caizzi (pdf)
      • Evolving Service Management for ScholarSphere - Patricia Hswe (pdf)
      • Service Management @ Stanford - Tony Navarrete (pdf)
      • From Development Project to Service Engagement - Jennifer Eustis (pdf)
  • Hydra Connect 2015 (http)

Potential Future Agenda topics

Feel free to add topics you'd like the group to chat about !!!

  • Service Management RACIs - talking about the various roles and what you do when there are just a few heads for all those roles
  • Creating a Service Management Team - ideas for getting other folks to help you "paint the fence"
  • Marketing your service - what's been effective and what's not worth the effort?
  • Service Management - Skilling up - what specific skills does this person need and how do we get there?
    • Example job descriptions?
  • Capacity Planning - how do you model/plan for technical infrastructure to support growth (particularly when you have no clue)?
  • Capacity Planning - how do you figure out/model how much time it takes to support a service?
  • Creating a service catalog and setting up priorities
  • Top five priorities for a service manager
  • Assessment
  • The service manager's role in vision and ownership of the service
  • Service level agreements (SLAs)
  • Tools for doing service management - what combination of which tools do you use to get certain things / processes done?
  • Roadmapping for service managers
  • How much are service managers involved in consulting, training, etc.?
  • Continuity of a service
  • Managing workflows
  • The role of communication / outreach / advocacy (this last one could be a topic unto itself)
  • Definition of roles and responsibilities

Meeting Notes


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