

Notes from the Hydra Service Management Interest Group - Kick-off Call

Call-in Info
US: 1-866-398-2885
Participant Code:  2819057339# 


Ellen Ramsey, University of Virginia (Moderator)

Linda Newman, University of Cincinnati

Cathy Aster, Stanford

Laura Wilsey, Stanford

Karen Cariani, WGBH

Erin Faulder, Tufts

Mike Korcynski, Tufts

John Weise, University of Michigan

Mark Notess, Indiana University

Carolyn Caizzi, Northwestern

Julie Rudder, Northwestern

Stefan Elnabli, Northwestern

Hannah Frost, Stanford

Patricia Hswe, Penn State University

Review the Draft Charter on the Wiki

Linda - "developer-oriented roots" - is this too value-laden? not trying to disengage developers; just trying to engage Service Managers (SM) in addition to developers. it's accurate, but let's reflect it more positively. 

Tackle the issue of increasing communication between developers and service managers, about the needs we see in the community. 

John - what is role of the service manager to shape the growth of community?

Ellen - how does that translate, shape into an objective?

Julie - where are good avenues to shape direction of product. 

Linda - let's wrap that into a cross-communication objective; combine it

Expand second bullet or add fourth?

Erin - share information with whom? with other developers and perhaps other users as well?

Linda - i thought sharing info with ourselves. 

Hannah - the intention was more about sharing with other SMs at other institutions

Cathy - DLF PM group has some experience with working to share information about project management (PM) among digital library folks. the Hydrua groups should aspire to do something similar

Carolyn - Agreed. This is relevant to NWU right now, understanding PM and SM.

Linda - So many of us wear multiple hats. Sense of benefits of just focusing on SM. Should we have dedicated SM staff, what are the benefits?

Ellen - Folks have different sized teams. We should share what different structures people have, how that plays out. 

Ellen - is it clear that the communication is with other peers as well as with our coworkers internally. we need to reflect that in the charter

Cathy - communication is critical. It underpins everything we do, so any way we can improve communication, the greater the benefit to everyone, including all stakeholders

Ellen - Is there value with SMs as a group talking with the greater Hydra group (those outside of the SMIG)?  

Hannah - Interesting idea - should we ask the rest of the Hydra group what they want out of SMIG? 

Linda - Is there something we can do better at Hydra Connect , or on the weekly Hydra committer calls, to address cross-communication?

Carolyn - it can be hard to keep up with the conversations, if you are less technical. SMers are not as necessary for the weekly committer calls

Mark - Looking at the survey from the first Hydra Connect in San Diego, shows that the audience was mixed - developers and managers. We are a mixed community


How often to convene calls? Let's start with monthly. If we need more or less, adjust accordingly.

Patricia will offer a conference line for all future calls. 

We'll do polling about regular times in order to see if we can get a time that works for European participants as well as the US west coast contingent 

Ellen - should we have our own channel? How does Hydra work in general?

Linda -- let's stay in the main channel, but put in the subject line a convention that indicates its SM

Ellen - functional work within the group might be a distraction to others outside the SMIG. Let's invite participation. It's nice to have a record, a place for gathering our own stuff.

Linda - I like to hear what other groups are doing, even if I'm not directly interested or involved. An argument for communicating in the main channel

Julie -- referring to IG formation rules -- everything should be transparent. refer to the doc. 

We decided to not create a dedicated google group for SMIG until necessary. Will use existing hydra-community list.

Roles for Future Meetings
Notetaker and Moderator - always

 Additional agenda maker if needed?

Patricia talks about the Hydra UX group has been more informally organized.

Ellen - it sounds like UX is more about shared tasks, while SMIG is more about best practice.

Patricia - SMIG is bigger, use these calls to be more formal. 

Ellen - all we need to do is plan for next meeting at this point.

Next Meeting:
Carolyn  - notetaker
Ellen - moderater

Action item - Ellen - polling for regular time, next meeting

Next Agenda

What do we want to accomplish as a group? Deliverables? Task forces? Acronym?
So far we had discussed in-person meeting objectives, including an OR proposal.
Linda - is the OR proposal is strictly Hydra?
Carolyn - no, we are trying to include others
Linda - Idea for future discussion: how to get better estimates from developers. a key issue that cuts across everyone!