

Notes from the Hydra Service Management Interest Group - Call


Ellen Ramsey, University of Virginia (Moderator)

Karen Cariani, WGBH

Tony Navarrete, Stanford University

Miranda VanNevel, Notre Dame

Chris DeLuca, Notre Dame(notetaker)


Two key questions to answer:

As Service Managers...

Who is our Audience?
What are we to produce? 

There may be a proposal for OR on the evolving role of a Service Manager in Hydra and what does Service Management mean to/for the Hydra Community.
What does Service Management mean in terms of staff and training, budgeting, on time delivery and many other areas of hydra development?

Can components from ITIL v3.0 be used as a guide or cheat sheet for Service Management?

What are the expectations of Service Management when it comes to:

  • Communication with Developers
  • Planning what Developers can do
  • How to plan for development efforts with other institutions

What are some examples of tough decisions that Service Managers should feel empowered to make?


There was a small discussion of the Agile framework.  Are others using Agile methods?  Is it scalable to the community?
WGBH and IU are using Agile methodologies and it has made them more cognizant of sticking to the process.
ND uses a modified agile process.


Can we define a Service Manager? PM is limited in duration, SM is long term.
How do we operationalize this?  What roles will a Service Manager hold when the reality is that at most institutions one person will be filling these multiple roles?
The group discussed creating a survey with some key questions:(not all inclusive)

  • How do you identify yourself and your role?
  • What is involved in rolling out a service?
  • What are some best practices your using?
  • What problems are those practices helping you solve?
  • Other questions TBD

The intent is that this survey would be disseminated and the feedback used to further define some aspects of Service Management.

Further discussion on the sharing of information amongst institutions and asking each other "where across the spectrum do you need the most help?"

Next Meeting:

Next Meeting: Friday, April 24th 3:00 pm EST
Undetermined  - notetaker
Undetermined - moderater

Action item - Create a Survey(not necessarily for next meeting but rather as part of a larger deliverable)

Next Agenda

Identify potential questions for a Service Management Survey
Develop a plan to create and distribute the survey to constituents 


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