16 February 2016 GIS WG

16 February 2016 GIS WG

Time:  1pm Eastern / 10am Pacific. 

Call-In Info: Google Hangout (for this meeting): https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/g6buoenvplafwe6h23snqpdmeea

Moderator:  Eliot Jordan




  1. Roll Call

  2. Call for Agenda Items

  3. Next Call

    1. Date: Mar. 8 - Sprint Planning
  4. geo_concerns sprint (Eliot)
  5. Report from Metadata Working Group (James)


  1. Roll Call

    1. Elliot, Darren, James, John

  2. Call for Agenda Items

  3. Next Call

    1. Date: Tuesday March 8 (regular time, one week early) to plan sprint.
  4. geo_concerns sprint (Eliot)
    1. March 14-18
    2. Elliot will be doing some prep work ahead of time
    3. Darren reports that a proposal has been submitted for a session for Open Repositories. response expected by March 28th.
  5. Report from Metadata Working Group (James)
    1. Esme recommends opaquenamespace
    2. RDF schema or OWL document
    3. Hydra steering group may eventually be encouraged to provide a more sustainable place, but this is not imminent
    4. DPLA metadata application profile alignment is an interest of the metadata group, but the WGS coordinates predicate is not sufficient for our purposes.
    5. James reported to the metadata group about the idea of creating a new Geospatial WG to work on this project.
    6. The group may need to register or obtain credentials to start using the opaquenamespace service.
  6. Elliot brings up the possibility of using GeoJSON-LD, previously discussed.
    1. Elliot will contact one of the project contributors to see where the project is at. It is possible the community is working on a rewrite of the spec.
  7. Elliot brings up the question of how the model can accommodate a set of maps, or a collection of a set of maps.
    1. Also the question of index maps to map sets: aerial photography, aerial imagery, etc.
    2. Discussion about the challenges of modelling.
    3. John mentions that traditional map cataloguing has grappled with these issues and will post a link to an article with background: Parker, Velma. 1999. CATALOGUING MAP SERIALS AND SERIESCataloging & Classification Quarterly 27(1-4).
    4. James: Poses the question about alternative approaches to modeling collections: Can collections be "logical" without being modeled in the PCDM?  An implementation would feature using faceted Solr queries in order to build "logical collections"/"views" of the resources without integrating any additional predicates in the RDF.
  8. Elliot asks a question about blacklight and how to configure search for parent and child documents, with child documents suppressed from display.
  9. Call adjourned at 2:11 pm EST.


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