19 January 2016 WG
19 January 2016 WG
Time: 1pm Eastern / 10am Pacific.
Call-In Info: Google Hangout (for this meeting): https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/g6buoenvplafwe6h23snqpdmeea
Notetaker: James Griffin
Roll Call
Call for Agenda Items
Next Call
- Date: Feb. 16
- Ontologies (James?)
- How do we solve our vocabulary problems without slowing down further work?
- Next geo_concerns sprint (Eliot)
Local Geospatial Ontology Development
- No new updates from either the metadata interest group
- Update from the Hydra Metadata Interest Group on 01/13/16
- Notes are located in https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/hydra/Metadata+Call+2016-01-13, (please see agent item 2a.)
- Unfortunately, Julie Hardesty of Indiana University was not present to field these questions (all other attendees directed James to her for these inquiries)
- The next metadata interest group meeting is scheduled for 01/27/16 at 01:00PM EST
- Unfortunately, this introduces a conflict with Geo4LibCamp, leaving the next feasible meeting for 02/10/16 at 01:00PM EST
- James' general impression was that ontology management solutions still remain local in scope, primarily driven by Steven Anderson of the Boston Public Library and Trey Pendragon of Princeton University
- Eliot proposes that, in the name of conserving time and expediting development progress, that GeoConcerns remain dependent upon the GeoRSS::Box Solrized attribute
- All others within the working group concur, given that
- Princeton's Hydra Head is currently expected to be released in April
- GeoRSS is probably still the best solution given the nascent stage of development within the W3C Spatial Data on the Web Working Group referenced by Darren
- Further, John notes that while we still haven't spoken to the right people, more general questions relating to the usage of opaquenamespace.org should be addressed as well
- i.e., There appears to be no obvious way to access an OWL Document using that site (introducing issues in relation to the integration of vocabularies with the RDF::Vocab Gem)
- Perhaps this could also extend from work within the MODS RDF working group (developing something analogous to MODS in RDF using existing predicates wherever possible), since this group will eventually run into the same issue when it tries to model the cartographic elements in MODS.
- Anyone trying to bring maps with MODS metadata into a Fedora 4 stack will eventually encounter this issue as well (U. Alberta is in this position).
- They will require a small number of geographic elements for bounding boxes or scale values, but not many ready-made solutions exist.
- Regardless, terms in an ontology are still absolutely necessary
- Darren: Suggest that RDF representations of geospatial metadata be a topic proposed at a Geo4LibCamp unconference session
- Further, there is also an existing topic addressing the modeling geospatial assets in Fedora 4 which may integrate this
Presentation at Geo4LibCamp
- Tuesday (01/26/16) Eliot and Darren shall be speaking on GeoConcerns (http://sched.co/4Suj)
- Ideally, draw additional parties into the working group
- John shall be able to attend meetings and other events scheduled for Thursday (01/28/16)
- James can likely discuss any contributions to GeoConcerns at some point on Wednesday (01/27/16), but must leave by Thursday morning
- There shall be breakout sessions all day on Wednesday, and the opportunity shall arise then
The Scope and Deliverables of the GIS Data Modeling Working Group
- When shall a prototype for GeoConcerns be presented within 2016?
- Code4Lib 2016? Open Repositories 2016 (June 13 - 16)?
- Kim Durante and Darren are planning a metadata workshop for OR 2016
- This could consume an entire day...would integrate well with a GeoConcerns workshop
- Currently, this extends the event held at the DLF Forum 2015 in Vancouver, B. C., Canada
- It would be necessary to contacting John Howard in Ireland
- There is currently a Call for Papers held until 02/02/16
- John: Shall a paper submission be useful as well?
- Darren: An interest group or panel submission might be useful
- Perhaps during Geo4LibCamp, panel members can be solicited
- Note that there shall be a large European contingent at OR 2016
- No attendees for Geo4LibCamp appear to be located in Europe
- Also, a poster submission might assist the WG
- It was additionally noted that, for many workshops addressing geospatial data, managers and non-GIS specialists are in attendance
- Regarding the structure of the workshop, GeoBlacklight appears to use a VM in order to distribute the application to attendees
- James: Would be interested in exploring a VM solution for GeoConcerns
- Darren: Vagrant is used...Jack Reed doesn't use Docker necessarily
- Eliot: There is a GeoBlacklight Docker image which has been developed which should be investigated
Hydra Geospatial Interest Group Meeting
- Darren: Call on Thursday (01/21/16) for the Hydra Geospatial Interest Group
- Look to update community and thoroughly evaluate the events for next Thursday and Friday
- James: Should the possibility of opening an additional working group be opened for specifically addressing linked geospatial metadata?
- Darren: GeoBlacklight is already looking at revising the schema for the indexing, and there is likely interest for working with an RDF-based solution
- John: This should also gauge interest for the formation of a working group
- If no such interest is found, it might still inform our approach (if nothing else)
- Darren: An agenda item has been added, but note that a charter shall be required for the formation of the working group
, multiple selections available,
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