16 June 2015 GIS WG
16 June 2015 GIS WG
Time: 1pm Eastern / 10am Pacific.
Call-In Info: Dial 1-609-258-0122, no access code needed
Moderator: Eliot Jordan
- Eliot Jordan (Princeton University)
- James Griffin (Lafayette College Libraries)
- Eric James (Yale University)
- Darren Hardy (Stanford University)
- Jack Reed (Stanford University)
Roll Call
Call for Agenda Items
Next Call
- Date: Tue 28 July 2015
- This was postponed from 07/21/15 due to the Esri User Conference
- Moderator: Darren Hardy
- Notetaker: John Huck
- Date: Tue 28 July 2015
- Vote on adoption of working group charter
- Charter Document
- This was adopted by all members of the working group
- Charter Document
- Subject Heading (for messages submitted to the mailing list)
- [GIS WG]
- PCDM implementations of GIS data models
- First deliverable is a model for georeferenced maps
- Ready by Hydra Connect 2015
- Next steps
- Sketch out the logical models using Google Drawings
- This shall follow the approach undertaken during LCDX 2015
- GitHub - where should it live? projecthydra-labs
- Administrative privileges for the repository may need to be obtained from certain Hydra community members
- Examples to look at:
- https://github.com/projecthydra-labs/hydra-works
- It was proposed that the physical models should be implemented as siblings (rather than subclasses) of the existing GenericWork and GenericFile classes
- Documentation and a basic example (something resembling the domain model exhibited within this repository) was also suggested
- Perhaps block out some time to work on this as a group
- At least 1 hour was proposed
- A meeting to be held at 11:00AM PST/02:00PM EST on 06/24/15 using a Google Hangout was scheduled
- Sketch out the logical models using Google Drawings
, multiple selections available,