15 December 2015 WG

15 December 2015 WG

Time:  1pm Eastern / 10am Pacific. 

Call-In Info: Google Hangout (for this meeting): https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/g6buoenvplafwe6h23snqpdmeea

Moderator:  Eliot Jordan

Notetaker: James Griffin



  1. Roll Call

  2. Call for Agenda Items

  3. Next Call

    1. Date: Jan. 19, 2016
  4. Report from the Applied Linked Data WG call and  Issue #64 
  5. Discuss PR #68 and possible changes to the model
  6. PR #67 and #66
  7. geo_concerns code sprint in January? 


GeoRSS Integration and Ontology Management

This topic was raised within the Applied Linked Data Working Group (WG) call for 12/10/15

The notes were captured using an etherpad: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/Hydra-LDP-20151210

Oregon Digital's Controlled Vocabulary Manager seems to be a common solution for publishing ontologies in the RDF to the web

Parties within the Hydra Community are currently using this for the Digital Transgender Archive (College of the Holy Cross)

Who is maintaining the PCDM ontology for pcdm.org?

The Controlled Voca. Mgmr. can be integrated with Apache Marmotta or Fedora Commons 4.x

The Hydra Metadata Interest Group (IG) must be contacted moving forward (the next meeting is to be held on January 13th at 01:00PM EST/13:00 UTC-5)

Uncertain of Controlled Voculary Manager

Huck: GeoRSS bounding box is what is immediately necessary

Ideally, these vocabularies should be published on the web

Prefers using the Controlled Vocabulary Mgmr.

However, for the sake of time, predicates can be hard-coded in GeoConcerns in order to support for GeoRSS

Narrow the scope...just need bounding box (and a limited number of elements)
Wrap this within...class relationships between GeoRSS terms and terms which are carbon copies that we write ourselves, and host somewhere else
Able to actually deploy it live somewhere, but with different URL's for each of the terms
Should this be too difficult...can abandon this


Jordan: One alternative to full OWL Document might be to use RDFS with SKOS mappings


Hardy: GeoOWL seems to be addressing a use case similar to our own
For basic descriptive metadata a bounding box is needed
Created one with the owl_esw bounding box (pg. 21)
Darren proposes that we use GeoOWL (with the referenced OWL Document; do they have an OWL Document?)
Raising the topics of exploring other ontologies

Jordan: How do we address this from within GeoConcerns

Provide a stop-gap solution (as outlined by Huck)
Avoid the delays...feasible while working to integrate the changes into RDF::Vocab
Hardy: There is also the Spatial Data on the Web WG (W3C)
Just started, and seems to encompass the structuring of an OWL Document
Unfortunately, seems to involve temporal elements...
Given the size of limited the GeoRSS vocabulary...
Structure an OWL Document...have it publicly hosted...still worthwhile
In the interest of time, proceed; Discuss at the next Hydra Geospatial IG meeting

Pull Request #68


geo_file_format Attribute now used in place of subclassing FileSet
Subclassing FileSet is the type of an approach not currently well supported by CurationConcerns
E. James: Possibility of integrating into CurationConcerns
Using MIME types vs. using constant terms for file formats
Some issues in relation to creating ad-hoc MIME type values
Jordan: The constant terms themselves were derived from the PREMIS

Can explore alternatives using resources such as http://www.digitalpreservation.gov/formats/fdd/gis_fdd.shtml

Huck: metadata librarians would have a problem with the creation of MIME types
Archivematica (and other services) register MIME types; Perhaps this can shape the approach?
Hardy: GDAL offers terms for different formats, but these might not be optimal for preservation
James: Offers http://jhove.sourceforge.net/ (Section 7 Standard Modules)
(Agreed to merge #68)
Iterate upon future PR's in relation to improvements or extensions captured for the changes introduced in PR #68

Pull Request #67


Simple, no real comments; Switches out GenericFile for FileSet
Closed, #68 resolved it

Pull Request #66


(Must be rebased, otherwise, agreed to be merged)

Next GeoConcerns Sprint

Proposed that this sprint be scheduled at some point during February 2016 (after Geo4LibCamp)