30 May 2017 GIS WG

30 May 2017 GIS WG

Time:  1pm Eastern / 10am Pacific. 

Call-In Info: Google Hangout (for this meeting): https://hangouts.google.com/call/vwt6jbuwybczti5wpn46cik3yee

Moderator:  Eliot Jordan




  1. Roll Call

  2. Call for Agenda Items

  3. Next Call

    1. ?

  4. State of GeoWorks

    1. Would like to move over to samvera-labs after Hyrax 1.0 is released.

    2. Would like to release a 1.0 by the end of the summer.

  5. State of GeoConcerns

    1. Still being used? UCSB?

    2. Leave on projecthydra-labs or move to samvera-archived(?)

  6. New Working Groups

    1. Darren and Eliot are working on a charter WG to focus on building a geo-repository with Hyrax (GeoWorks).

    2. Geo Predicates WG
