20 October 2015 GIS WG
20 October 2015 GIS WG
Time: 1pm Eastern / 10am Pacific.
Call-In Info: Google Hangout (for this meeting): https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/g6buoenvplafwe6h23snqpdmeea
Notetaker: Eliot Jordan
Roll Call
Call for Agenda Items
Next Call
- Date: Cancelled. Code sprint Nov. 9 - 13 instead.
- Discuss recent Pull Requests
- State of the Model
- geo_concerns code sprint
- John initiated a discussion and recap of recent changes to the geospatial model. During the last meeting, the structure was altertered to remove the top-level generic geowork and to use the standard hasMember predicate between the various work types. In general, the group is still on board with these changes. Eric asked if it was possible, in the model, for works such as rasters and vectors to exist on their own. The consensus was that this behavior should be possible.
- James asked if the group needs to take a look at how Collections relate to the current model. John assumes that geo resources can be put into collections just like other resource types and that there are no specific collection issues at the moment. Eliot offered that we can revisit this as the model matures.
- The group took a look at Eric's recent pull request. Everything looked good on casual inspection. James and Eliot agreed to review the code and to report back to the group by the end of the week (Oct. 23). This led to a discussion about using generators in geo_concerns following the pattern set in the parent curation_concerns gem. It was agreed that this was an appropriate end-goal. Eric suggested that there would be a generator for a basic geo model as well as included generators for common types like vector and raster.
- James talked about LiDAR as a geospatial object type that doesn't fit into the existing model. Geo_concerns should provide basic geo behaviors that can be used by institutions that collect this type of data. It was also brought up that LiDAR is a common enough data type that it might be worth explicitly modeling down the road.
- The proposal for a Geo Hydra code sprint was raised again. The group decided that this was a good idea and scheduled the sprint for November 9-13. Eliot volunteered to be the sprint leader and created a milestone in geo_concerns to hold issues for the sprint. The overall goal of the sprint to fully implement and test our existing geo model in code and to build out the ability (however basic) to create geo objects with the web interface.
- The next regularly scheduled WG meeting was cancelled in lieu of the code sprint. The first standup will be a short planning session at our regular meeting time of 10AM Pacific/11 AM Mountain/1PM Eastern on Monday on November 9.
- John relayed that the University of Alberta Libraries has gone live with their Sufia-based institutional repository ERA: https://era.library.ualberta.ca. Congrats!
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