18 August 2015 GIS WG

18 August 2015 GIS WG

Time:  1pm Eastern / 10am Pacific. 

Call-In Info: Google Hangout (just for this meeting): https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/g6buoenvplafwe6h23snqpdmeea

Moderator:  John Huck

Notetaker: James Griffin



  1. Roll Call

  2. Call for Agenda Items

  3. Next Call

    1. Date: 09/15/15 (01:00PM EST/10:00AM PST)
    2. Moderator: Eliot Jordan
    3. Notetaker: John Huck
  4. When is the next call? 
    1. Next regular call times falls during Hydra Connect
  5. HydraConnect
    1. Poster
    2. Talks
  6. PCDM Geo Modeling Work
    1. Further discussion around pcdm-geo-models github repo
    2. Thoughts on PR #4
    3. Request for review on PR#2 update


HydraConnect 2015


Darren has taken the lead
Poster is due 09/14/15 (Monday before HydraConnect)
To be printed at Kinko's (it is sent to venue from here)
Conceivably...can have someone carry the poster on the plane if miss 09/14 deadline
Minimum requirements
Diagram of a georeferenced map in the PCDM
Possibly with...code?...text?
Capturing feedback (on an individual level) is an objective

Unconference Session

Darren has been organizing this event

Sessions are still at the stage of proposals
Darren has added an abstract for the PCDM work for georeferenced maps
For all interested parties, registration on DCE website (http://connect2015.curationexperts.com/sessions/9) is necessary

Overview of Scheduling

The minimum number of unconference sessions is unknown
Each attendee declares their interest in a session
As attendees are to be voting on preceding Tuesday, we are likely to learn of the acceptance or rejection of the proposal at the conference
Should the unconference proposal not be selected, then perhaps an event can still be organized as a dinner or lunch
The PCDM should be in a stable state for release during HydraConnect (particularly, in preparation for this unconference)
Code is not likely to be discussed during this unconference (a whiteboard may be used)
Feedback should also be captured during this period
Darren and Eliot are to focus their contributions upon the unconference
Materials developed for the poster and unconference shall shape and drive the development of materials for the lightning talk

Lightning Talk

5 - 7 minutes in duration
More introductory regarding the depth
Generally there are many lightning talks
Rarely are they cut significantly in quantity
Slides (15-20) are required (a template is offered)
John and James are to focus their contributions here

Working Group Updates

This is mandatory for the working group

Darren is to be also discussing updates in relation to the Geospatial Interest Group

Eliot expressed interest in contributing to this as well


Additional Meeting

While there is not likely time for hosting a formal working session, an informal meeting is likely to be scheduled


Data Modeling

The diagram for PCDM-based implementation of the data models was updated last week:



Pull Request 3 was essentially integrated into Pull Request 4 by Eliot

CurationConcerns (a Hydra/Rails Generator) introduced some degree of complexity...

...however, now a full Hydra app. has been initialized (i. e. structured for unit and integration testing, as well as deployment)

HydraJetty (with Fedora Commons 4.x) has also been integrated

The application itself can be deployed; Views are currently served

The essential elements of the code base can be found within

  • app/models/concerns
  • app/controllers/curation/concerns

Controller Logic

Feature extraction behavior is not to be implemented within the PCDM

Extracted (vector) feature sets are to be uploaded by end users

Vector derivative generation can, however, be automated

This includes the possibility of downloading KML Documents, or, reprojecting between CRS's

Conceptually, the resource (image) is a TIFF

This image can be promoted to a raster by either some logic underlying a form, or, through the uploading of an already-projected GeoTIFF

Eliot and Darren are to proceed by primarily focusing upon the development of the data models


Use Cases for the Data Models (and Related Behavior)

Darren confirms that there are cases in which multiple GeoTIFF files may be related to a single Raster resource

These are edge cases, but would consist of instances in which different georectified images are to be related to a single non-georeferenced images


ORE vocabulary terms (i. e. predicates) are utilized in order to manage the logical grouping of objects at a level more generalized than those of the PCDM membership-based terms

The National Newspaper Digitization Project undertaken by the Library of Congress was referenced as an example implementing such an approach


XML Documents containing descriptive metadata are to be managed as binary resources in relation to Raster resources

(Hence, RDF triples encoding descriptive metadata for repository resources transformed from the XML metadata will not require that these XML Documents, themselves, be deprecated)


John has been and shall continue to focus upon the integration of RDF-based ontologies for the purposes of modeling relationships and managing authorities within geospatial metadata


GeoHydraCamp 2016

Darren has been progressing within organizing this event

This event is to be discussed during the Hydra Geospatial Interest Group call on 08/20/15

Stanford is to host this event

It is to be structured as a 3 day unconference, followed by 2 days of working sessions (hence, consuming an entire week)

Darren's sense is that there shall be a greater number of librarians in attendance than software developers

(The agenda is to be more neutral, and not at all oriented towards development)

Registration shall be held by the end of September


Scheduling Future Meetings

John shall be structuring and releasing a Doodle Poll in order to schedule a meeting scoped for continuing to address progress towards the HydraConnect 2015 at some point next week