Geo Data in Hydra - Unconference session notes

Geo Data in Hydra - Unconference session notes

Geo Data In hydra - Jack Reed from Stanford facilitating  2014-10-02  Afternoon session.

About 30 people attending

Preservation, Access and Discovery
Discussion of Ontologies, RDF and GeoSpatial Data, Esme
ISO - Intl Standard is an XML standard not an RDF standard.
There are many geo-data metadata formats.
U of New Hampshire has a grant to integrate OGP and fedora. U of NH is planning to start out using Fedora 4.
Geo RSS envelopes are being added into Stanfords Metadata.
Questions about how hydra is handling controlled vocabs
Geo SparSQL
Linking Geospatial Data: http://www.w3.org/2014/03/lgd/
Also, GeoSPARQL: http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/geosparql

bess talks about GeoNames in metadata.
BPL Geo Gem: Steven A. tells about their experience and harkens back to his lightening talk from this morning.
The question authority Gem could be helpful.
Former user (Deleted) - RDF Working group is trying to make a common framework for tools like some GeoData systems to put geo info into repositories.
Corey Harper brings up how Geo Names change over time. Alternate names problems arise.
Perhaps the model that Oxford is using for Provenance of Journals could be applied to geo-names. This journal had an activity of editing performed by this person from 1930-1960.
Possibilities for visualizations for such complex sets of data.
Stanford no longer will pay vendors for data unless they include the metadata needed.
Royal Library of Denmark group with Arial Photos of farms and villages. There is a vibrant interested community that has formed around these collections which are exposed through a google-maps based interface. Community is doing a tremendous job of adding to and enhancing these photos. Community even corrected location for some of the flights. They do not yet know how they will use the contributions of the community.
Map Warper - NYPL Project. Geo-Rectification through a crowd source. http://maps.nypl.org/warper/
Pelagios - Ancient Place name gazateer.
12 folks represent libraries with GeoSpaital data.
And at least half of those present want to do Geo Spaital discovery.
Stanford, Mit & Princeton are talking about geo data issues.
Discussion of HydraTech being the right place for Geo Blacklight discussions.
Esme - Hydra is a big tent and wants to include Geo Blacklight/GeoHydra.
Bess: How do we get GIS data modeled and into Fedora? What working group possibilities are there on this.
There is GeoData is all kinds of data that is making its way into repositories and digital libraries everywhere.
Esme asks for sprint reports to Hydra-tech.
Hydra-tech. Google group mailing list. hydra-tech@googlegroups.com
GeoBlacklight Working Group. Another outlet: open geo portal
Bess suggests a regular phone call for interested parties.

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