July 10, 2015

July 10, 2015


Dial: +1 (530) 881-1400
Access Code: 651025#


Facilitator: Steven Anderson (BPL)

Notetaker: Linda Newman (Cincinnati)

  • Richard Green (Hull)  apologies
  • Mike Giarlo (Penn State)  
  • Mike Friscia (Yale)
  • Dean Krafft (Cornell)
  • Jon Stroop (Princeton)
  • Ray Lubinski (UVA)
  • Mark Matienzo (DPLA)
  • Richard Shrake (Case Western)
  • Will Cowan (Indiana University)
  • Rick Johnson (Notre Dame)
  • Tom Cramer (Stanford)
  • Karen Estlund (Oregon)
  • Sheila Rabun (Oregon)
  • Anders Conrad (Royal Library)
  • Chris Awre (Hull)
  • Karen Cariani (WGBH)


Agenda & Notes

  1. Roll Call
    1. Attending
    2. Welcome New Folks  - Sheila Rabun and Richard Shrake
    3. Call for Agenda Items - none added

2. Next call

  • Date: August 14th 
  • Facilitator: Rick Johnson
  • Notetaker: Mark Matienzo

3. Hydra-in-a-Box project:  Mark Matienzo provided an update, indicating that there has been a great deal of interest in the project.  The project is in the design phase, working closely with Stanford to identify stakeholder goals, interests and requirements, and to do focused research.  DPLA is interested in hearing from us about our interest, and if we are can help with testing or developer resources.  A survey will soon be seen on the hydra-community e-list and we should also share this with colleagues at other institutions.  There will be a catch-all email list soon for public announcements and questions.  The next in-person meeting is next month.  Tom added that several Hydra-in-a-Box activities were proposed for Hydra Connect.  

4.  Progress on issues from Power Steering (see https://github.com/projecthydra-labs/power-steering/issues) (see also https://waffle.io/projecthydra-labs/power-steering) -  Karen Estlund indicated that the architecture diagram is being worked on by Mark Bussey hopefully in time for Hydra Connect and many of the initiatives described on the waffle board will be worked on at Hydra Connect.  Karen clarified that issues are in rough priority order on the waffle board (starting from 3 down) although issue 37 was added after the power steering meeting.  Comments on priorities are encouraged.

5. Standing Community to-do's

    1. Reports back from meetings (if any)
      1. Open Repositories  - Several noted that Hydra-related presentations were well received, as well as PCDM and Fedora 4.  A constant stream of people at the Hydra table, wanting information on new developments - Hydra in a Box, GeoBlacklight.  Several sessions are available online.   
    2. Next Partner and dev-centric meetings
      1. Hydra Connect 2015
        1. List of Monday workshops to be released in the next few days.  Karen Estlund clarified that the planning committee is focusing on finalizing the workshop schedule at the present, but also hopes to have hands-on opportunities throughout the conference.
      2. Hydra Connect 2016
        1. No decision yet - Tom indicated that this is a topic for the next Steering meeting.
      3. DuocUC, in Santiago, Chile, would like to host a Hydra workshop 19-26 August. Tom stated that  DuocUC has put out a call for a Spanish speaking community member to attend (and DuocUC will provide some expenses).  Bess Sandler has been a liaison with DuocUC but is now on leave for six months.   
      4. Code4Lib Midwest at Ohio State July 23-24: http://wiki.code4lib.org/2015_Code4Lib_Midwest_Meeting - Linda stated that several Cincinnati digital content specialists are attending.
    3. Training - no report
    4. Reports from Interest & Working Groups
      1. Archivists Interest Group :  Mark commented that some work is being done on a content model that includes archival description. 
      2. Digital Preservation Interest Group : The group invites everyone to contribute to the Discussion of the Scope & Objectives for the Hydra Digital Preservation Interest Group. - Chris reported that the July meeting was cancelled but in general they are meeting on a monthly basis on the second Thursday.  Linda added that Bradley Daigle, content lead for the Academic Preservation Trust, recently made a presentation, and others and others are encouraged to share their digital preservation work and investigations. 
      3. User Experience Interest Group : Cynthia Ann Ramlo at Indiana, Patricia Hswe at Penn State, and Chris Awre at Hull are picking up the reins from Mark Notess.  They are meeting the first Thursday of each month - with calls being recorded.
      4. Web presence WG : Tom indicated plans for getting something in place for Hydra Connect.  They have gathered content about people and personae to understand which communication channels meet which set of needs, and they are getting close to some design recommendations.
      5. Service Manager IG :  Karen Estlund indicated that one of the workshops for Hydra Connect will be about an orientation to a service management model. 
      6. Page viewer/page turner IG : no report
      7. Samvera Metadata Interest Group  :  Karen Estlund reported that there has been a lot of activity, the technical metadata sub-group shared its first set of recommendations with the e-list yesterday, the descriptive group will present results at Hydra Connect, a group is working on Linked Data fragments, and the Rights Working group will make recommendations shortly.   Steven Anderson added that a MODS subgroup is also forming to consider approaches to RDF: MODS and RDF Descriptive Metadata Subgroup.  
      8. Time-based Media IG (T-MIG) :  no report

6. Prospective Partner Intel Sharing: There are prospective partners and adopters.

7. Any other old or new business

a. Richard added this note in advance of the call:  Apologies over the appearance (via Hannah) of the original files for the Hydra logo and then their almost immediate takedown (via Richard (me)).  If any Partner wants a logo file for legitimate Hydra use, just post a request to the Partner list.  At the moment the files are "hidden", which I seem to recall was a deliberate decision by Steering Group,  pending Hydra's trademark application which might be jeopardised if they were in the public domain.

Chris clarified that the logos are locked down while we pursue a trademark application.   Tom stated that all the code and documentation are open source, and released under Creative Commons, except for the logos and artwork supporting the logos.  Those are open for approved use by Hydra Partners but not by 3rd parties who should not put the Hydra logo on their products.  DuraSpace will be pursuing the trademark as part of their business and legal support in our new arrangement.  The files are available to partners in a restricted area of the wiki - an email to the Hydra Partners list would be sufficient to get the link.





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