January 9, 2015
January 9, 2015
Dial: +1 (530) 881-1400
Access Code: 651025
Facilitator: Rick Johnson (Notre Dame)
Notetaker: Mike Friscia (Yale)
Steven Anderson - BPL
Simeon Warner - Cornell
Matt McVay - Tufts
Janet Hill - Tufts
Roger Zender - Case Western Reserve
Linda Newman - Cincinatti
Mark Notess - Indiana
Will Cowan - Indiana
Carolyn Caizzi - Northwestern
Julie Rudder - Northwestern
Justin Coyne - DCE
Mike Giarlo - Penn State
Karen Estlund - Oregon Digital
Mike Eaton - Oregon State
Anders Conrad - Royal Library
Karen Cariani - WGBH
Robin Ruggaber- UVA
Chris Awre - Hull
Jon Stroop - Princeton (arrived late)
Agenda & Notes
- Roll Call
- Welcome New Folks
- Tufts
- Karen from Oregon Digital
- Mike Eaton - Oregon Digital
- Attending
- Call for Agenda Items
- Welcome New Folks
- Next Call
- move the call to the week of Feb 20th?
- Date: February 13th
- Facilitator: Steven Anderson
- Notetaker: Mike Giarlo
- Financial & Legal Services Proposal
- Progress report
- There is a document going under review and the current work is with DuraSpace
- There will be a communication about progress in the near future.
- Progress report
- Standing Community to-do's
- Reports back from meetings (if any)
- none to report on
- Next Partner and dev-centric meetings
- IDCC, 9-12 Feb 2015, London
- Paper accepted by Chris that looks back over the past 10 years of repository development at Hull, including Hydra
- Chris will also host a Birds of a Feather session looking at how digital curation can be enabled through collaboration
- Code4Lib 2015, 9-12 Feb 2015
- Having PBCore hackathon to build RDF ontology the weekend before Code4Lib - hope for the work to continue during conference. Preparing to use Fedora 4 with their Hydra.
- Cincinatti is sending 3 devs for the post conference dev meeting. Working on Hydra Works and other initiatives.
- all 35 slots are full for the developers meeting and there is a wait list. For future events it may be worth considering a larger venue for the developer meet-up.
- Get together for hydra managers post conference, only interest from a couple people, please contact Linda Newman if interested in managers meet-up
- At the last Hydra-Portland meet-up, good mix of active and non-active developers. It is helpful to have a mix of groups that can represent different points of view during the dev meet-ups.
- Agenda of the dev meet-up is set by who shows up. Bring your interests to this meet-up
- Post Code4Lib Developer Meeting, 12-13 Feb 2015
- notes mixed in above
- LAMDevConX, 23-25 March 2015
- may need to wait to the next call
- will have details out shortly about the dev congress and power steering
- Hydra Developers Congress 26-27 March 2015
- details to come out shortly
- Hydra Power Steering 26-27 March 2015
- details to come out shortly
- NE States Regional Meeting 7 May 2015
- early planning - we have a date and location.
- Open Repositories 8-11 Jun 2015: Call for Proposals Due Jan. 30th
- Yale - submitting proposal for Fedora 4 migration and also our Kissinger project customizations with context trees for complex EAD structures and full text search
- Work with Hydra Works shows strength of the Hydra Community and how we look at a new shared data model. Seems that it could be interesting to form a talk about how this comes together.
- Hydra Connect 3 - FYI: Minneapolis in late September or early October, dates tbc
- Going through the final venue selection with details to follow in late February
- Call for participation in the Hydra Connect Structure for Connect 3 went to the list
- Call out to make sure anyone interested in shaping Connect 3 to reach out to Richard Greene and join the CFP he sent out
- Hydra Hackathon event took place this past week at Hull, 3 day event
- IDCC, 9-12 Feb 2015, London
- Training
- working out details for a spring Hydra Camp, it will happen in the Northeast
- Training will take place in a pre-conference at Code4Lib
- Reports from Interest & Working Groups
- Reminder about the new IG/WG structure; Robin's email of 12/18 and Richard's email of 1/8 refer, together with the document at
Samvera Interest Group/Working Group Framework
- Robin would like to hear from anyone that has any comments related to the new IG/WG structure
- Archivists Working Group
- Planning a one-hour webinar training the week of February 23rd on creating user stories. Poll to determine best date/time is here: http://doodle.com/abyc6ffmf4n3h8a5. Respond by Friday, January 16th, plz.
- Planning at Penn State based on training they have been doing to teach stakeholders how to form user stories. Since there is broad interest outside of Penn they will be doing this webinar. It is geared towards service managers and even developers. Trying to get as many people as they can involved.
- Digital Preservation Working Group
- Monthly calls have settled on second Thursday of the month.
- Moving towards an agenda model for 2015 so that the topics of calls are circulated in advance
- User Experience Group
- Next meeting in Feb, emails to go out soon later this month
- Image Viewers is a tentative topic
- Connect 3 structure WG (CfP announced 1/5)
- Be sure to contact Richard with interest in being on the working group
- Web presence WG (CfP announced 1/5)
- This is to help organize the web presence and get the website and wiki to work better together.
- Make it easier for people new to Hydra to navigate between the two sites
- Service Manager IG (FYI: being formed)
- Group forming in the next week they will send announcement to the list to gather interest and membership
- Karen - suggested a possible group for Time Based Media interest group
- There seems to be interest from several partners
- Page viewer/page turner IG (FYI: being formed)
- Nobody available to update, but details will end up going to the list
- Richard Green has communicated to the list about this and also a meeting at Hydra Connect 2
- One of the main topics is how to leverage IIIF into page turning to potentially turn this into a working group
- Nobody available to update, but details will end up going to the list
- Reminder about the new IG/WG structure; Robin's email of 12/18 and Richard's email of 1/8 refer, together with the document at
Samvera Interest Group/Working Group Framework
- Reports back from meetings (if any)
- Prospective Partner Intel Sharing
- there is activity taking place with new institutions adopting Hydra and also interest calls are coming into some partners
- Any other old or new business
- A reminder to please send monthly updates to the hydra-community list (rather than hydra-partners) unless they contain "sensitive" information.
- Mike Giarlo - wanted to highlight that he gets regular requests for updates for Sufia and Hydra Works, his role is changing a little so that he will have more time to provide more regular updates along with more details on timelines and how to get involved.
- should hydra works be added to the agenda?
- may consider this but leave it off for February
- may consider this but leave it off for February
- should hydra works be added to the agenda?
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