February 2016 Developer Meeting Agenda

February 2016 Developer Meeting Agenda

Dates and Location: February 3-5th at UC San Diego Library, Geisel Building.

Room: Seuss Room (see map below)

Wednesday - 3rd

  • 8:30-9:00 Light Breakfast (coffee, tea, pastries)
  • 9:00-9:30 Welcome, Introductions, High-Level Schedule (check on folks’s departure plans)
  • 9:30-10:00    Folks Pitch Development Ideas - 2 minutes to describe Scope, Benefit, Outcomes
  • 10:00-10:30 Team estimating - for each idea, give a score for each of
    • Clear acceptance criteria
    • Time to complete
    • Benefit / Value 
    • Right people present to work on it
  • 10:30-10:45 Group into teams of 4-8
    • sort list for highest scoring ideas (It has clear scope, high community value, and can achieve MVP in 3 days)
    • nominate a “Product Owner” for each team - someone to break design deadlocks and keep things moving
  • 10:45-11:00 Break
  • 11:00 -12:30  Develop in teams
  • 12:30-1:45-ish Lunch
  • Afternoon - Tracks
  • 5:00-5:30 Report backs - what we did, what we hope to do tomorrow, things we think might hinder us
  • 5:30 Pizza at Round Table

Thursday - 4th

  • 8:30-9:00 Light Breakfast (coffee, tea, pastries)
  • 9:00 Local announcements (review schedule for the rest of the day)
  • 9:00-12:00  Develop in teams
    • (optional) 11:00-12:00  Help Mark brainstorm Training - what’s going well, what’s missing, how do we get there?
  • 12:00-1:00  Lunch
  • 1:00-4:00  Develop in teams
  • 4:00-4:30  Daily report out
  • 4:30 Organize for evening

Friday - 5th

  • 8:30-9:00 Light Breakfast (coffee, tea, pastries)
  • 9:00-11:00  Develop in teams - prep for demos
  • 11::30-12:00  Final Dev Team report outs & demos
  • 12:00-1:00  Lunch
  • 1:00-4:00  open development/work time

Day Design Principles LOD+Performance Issues Gemification Cloud & VM

#2 Collection Permissions


#21 IIIF from Plum–>CC
#27 Proxy stack
(Sanderson, Cowles) 

#1 Gemify SHARE

#26 AWS Services


#9 Configurable Metadata

#3 2016-02-04 Fedora API Meeting

#22 Access Control API

#4 & #19 Gemify a Concern
(Pendragon) (https://github.com/projecthydra-labs/book_concerns)
#26 AWS Services

#10 Workflow State Modeling

  #4 & #19 Gemify a Concern

#26 AWS Services


#11 Admin for Users & User rights
#18 PCDM Perfomance Issues
(Needs Owner - formerly Bussey) 
#15 LOD Caching

#5 Browse Everything–>CC

#13 HydraCamp VM

#26 AWS Services

    #8 Promote curation_concerns
to project hydra main repo

#13 HydraCamp VM

#26 AWS Services


#6 Mint new Hydra gem - 3 votes

#7 Hydra on Solr 5 - 2 votes

#16 Enhance QA autosuggest behavior - withdrawn

#17 QA autosuggest disambiguation fields - withdrawn

#20 Containerized Hydra - withdrawn in favor of #26

#23 CSV Import into Sufia - 9 votes (needs developer and product owner - contention for Coyne/Bussey time)

#24 Roadmap for ActiveTriples 1.0 - 5 votes (lunch/dinner discussion?)

#25 ActiveFedora changieret refactor - 2 votes



Walking directions from hotel to Geisel Library building:

There is also a pedestrian bridge over La Jolla Village Drive that can be used to avoid the intersection with Villa La Jolla: Google Maps walking directions.

Directions from Geisel Library building lobby to Seuss Room:

Lodging: Sheraton Hotel Reservation Page

Attendees (limit 30)

  1. Adam Wead (PSU)

  2. Vivian Chu (UCSD)

  3. Trey Pendragon (Princeton)

  4. Mike Giarlo (Stanford)

  5. Justin Coyne (DCE)

  6. Jeremy Friesen (Notre Dame)

  7. Huawei Weng (UCSD)

  8. Esme Cowles (Princeton)

  9. David Trujillo (UCSD) 

  10. Mark Bussey (DCE)

  11. Glen Horton (Cincinnati)
  12. Andrew Woods (DuraSpace)
  13. Matthew Barnett (University of Alberta)
  14. Jon Stroop (Princeton)
  15. Joe Atzberger (Stanford)
  16. Ryan Wick (OSU / Oregon Digital)
  17. Thomas Scherz (Cincinnati)
  18. Aaron Coburn (Amherst) 
  19. Mark Matienzo (DPLA)
  20. Lynette Rayle (Cornell)
  21. Daniel Pierce (Indiana)
  22. P. Kieran Etienne (WUSTL)
  23. Audrey Altman (DPLA)
  24. Rob Sanderson (Stanford)
  25. Tom Johnson (DPLA)
  26. Chris Beer (Stanford)
  27. Erin Fahy (Stanford)
  28. FULL!


  • Focused face to face time for Hydra developer community
  • Community code exchange
  • Move community development goals forward
  • Escape winter for 3 days in San Diego

Development Ideas

  1. SHARE Notify gem: Penn State is just about finished implementing a mechanism to publish files from Scholarsphere into SHARE Notify. It could make a good gem if others are interested in doing the same with their Sufia or Hydra-based apps. (Adam Wead)
  2. Develop implementation plan for Collection Permissions and/or User Collections, Admin Sets, Display Sets.  I'd like to get this nailed down enough that we can come away from HDC with an implementation plan.  Cornell has a project that needs this on the near horizon and I have cycles to work on implementation starting in Feb. (Lynette Rayle)
  3. Hydra/Fedora positioning: what is the desired line of responsibility between the two and necessary implementation changes (if any). (Andrew Woods) 
    1. Potentially related: identify necessary, high-priority Fedora updates and/or fixes.
  4. "Book Concerns" - how best to wrap up an additional layer of assumptions on Curation Concerns for sharing. Things like IIIF concerns to be used for books. (Trey Pendragon)
  5. Add Browse Everything functionality to Curation Concerns. (Trey Pendragon)
    1. And remove from Sufia (or base Sufia's impl of browse-everything on CC's) – let's not do the same thing in two places if we don't need to.
  6. Build a new version of the "hydra" gem and test "Dive into Hydra" with it. There was a 9.1.0.rc1 last April, but that's the last time anyone touched it. 2-3 hrs (Justin Coyne)  If this is for PCDM, test "Dive into Hydra-Works".  When is it time for Dive into Hydra-Works to replace Dive into Hydra?  Write a test suite for Hydra:Works that covers the Dive into Hydra-Works tutorial. (Lynette Rayle)
  7. Run Hydra on Solr 5. This means replacing jettywrapper with solr_wrapper and fcrepo_wrapper (https://github.com/cbeer/fcrepo_wrapper). 4 hrs (Justin Coyne)
  8. Promote CurationConcerns to projecthydra (from labs). 2 hrs (Justin Coyne)
  9. Flexible metadata handling where additional fields can be applied to all collections, specific collections, or based on resource. 4 hrs. (Lynette Rayle)
  10. Formal workflow support including workflow states with users assigned roles that allow them to operate on resources in a given state, ability to move forward and back between workflow states, and control over release dates of resources. 4 hrs. (Jeremy Friesen)
  11. Admin functionality for managing users (e.g. blocking/deleting users, resetting passwords), user roles and privileges, managing collections and works  at the repository level and collection level (e.g. super-admin can view/edit/delete all collections; collection admin can grant privileges to users for that collection; super-admin can view/edit/delete all works; collection admin can view/edit/delete works within a collection). Outcomes: list top 3 things that could be done. (no timeframe listed)  (Lynette Rayle)
  12. Review Sufia UI WG's new wireframes for Sufia 7, especially of interest to Sufia and CurationConcerns developers and users (Lynette Rayle, David Trujillo, Mike Giarlo)
  13. Build a new HydraCamp VM, decide what tutorials it should support. < 1 day (Mark Bussey)
  14. Extract mediated deposit and workflow from HyHull (video demo here) for potential integration into Sufia or curation_concerns based heads - possibly merge with #10. 2-3 days for proof-of-concept (Mark Bussey)
  15. Background caching / cache warming for remote authorities --> marmotta.  (Mark Bussey)
  16. Better auto-suggest behavior for questioning authority for authorities with large vocabularies (i.e. LACNAF, LCSH). 1.5 days (Mark Bussey)
  17. Configurable auto-suggest disambiguation for questioning_authority (i.e. specify second term to show for disambiguation). < 1 day (Mark Bussey)
  18. Performance tune adding items to PCDM containers with many objects, esp. ordered sets. (Mark Bussey) - problem: we're seeing potential performance issues ingesting multiple objects and/or large collections. 4 hrs.
  19. "Media Concerns" - can we come up with a basic reference model for curation_concerns for video and audio that can be augmented as needed for specific use cases? Similar to #4 (Mark Bussey)
  20. "On-demand" cloud instances to support dive-into-hydra or other tutorials - Dockerize Hydra? this might be crazy talk... (Mark Bussey)
  21. Extract IIIF-generating functionality from Plum and move to CurationConcerns. Outcome: moving code, agreeing on mapping. 1 Day. (Esmé Cowles)
    1. And agree on, document PCDM / IIIF mapping (Rob Sanderson)
  22. API for external services to consume "Access Controls" from Hydra based repos. Outcome: design doc. 4 hrs. (Mark Bussey)
  23. CSV importer for Sufia (Mark Bussey)
  24. Roadmap for ActiveTriples 1.0. 2 hrs. (Tom Johnson)
  25. ActiveFedora Changeset Refactor (Tom Johnson)
  26. Deploying Blacklight / Hydra / fcrepo4 to AWS (using AWS services) (CloudSearch, RDS, etc) (Chris Beer)
  27. Discuss Princeton's Proxy of Proxy of Proxy of ... stack, the issue that this addresses and how to solve it consistently. Outcome: find why it was done and what the possible solutions might be. 2 hrs. (Rob Sanderson, Trey Pendragon)

Outcome: find why it was done and what the possible solutions might be. 2 hrs.Other Topics

  1. A brief tutorial on the internal workings of HydraHead, ActiveFedora and/or Blacklight to get more developers familiar with the core gems. (suggested by Esmé Cowles)
  2. Promote CurationConcerns from the projecthydra-labs Github organization to projecthydra (and review the contributing guidelines to make sure they are relevant) (Esmé Cowles)
    1. Also, how about:
      1. active_fedora-noid
      2. activefedora-aggregation
      3. hydra-works
      4. hydra-pcdm


Development Ideas, Prioritized (for later use, pls do not edit)

Session Short Name Interest Count Rank Well Defined Achievable by Friday Feature/Description
1 SHARE Notify 4      


2 Collection Permissions 10        
3 Hydra / Fedora Positioning 10        
4 Book Concerns 11        
5 Browse Everything 8        
6 New Hydra Gem 3        
7 Hydra on Solr 5 2        
8 CurationConcerns Promotion 4        
9 Flexible Metadata Handling 9        
10 Workflow Support 6        
11 Admin Functionality 5        
12 Review Sufia UI Wireframes 8        
13 HydraCamp VM 6        
14 Extract Mediated Deposit (dependency)        
15 Background Caching -> Marmotta 8        
16 Better Auto-suggest scrap        
17 Configurable Auto-suggest scrap        
18 Performance Tune PCDM Containers 15        
19 Media Concerns rolled into #?        
20 On-demand cloud instances scrap        
21 Extract IIIF from Plum 9        
22 API for External Access Controls 5        
23 CSV Importer for Sufia 9        
24 Roadmap for ActiveTriples 5        
25 ActiveFedora Changeset Refactor 2        
26 Developing Hydra for AWS 8        
27 Princeton's Proxy, Proxy, Proxy 9        



February 3rd Dinner/Reception

  • Location: Round Table Pizza
  • Time: 5:30pm
  • Details: Pizza (meat and vegetarian) and salads will be provided. Drinks are on you.

February 4th Beer Crawl

  • Location: We will coordinate at the Library and head to 30th Street in North Park via a combination of carpools and Uber/taxi/public transit to be determined.
  • Time: 5:00pm
  • Details: We will visit a few of Matt and Declan's favorites, with plenty of food options along the way. Everyone will be free to branch off and/or head home as needed.

Other UCSD Events and Information



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