March 8, 2013

March 8, 2013

Hydra Partners Call -- 8 March 2013


  • Rick Johnson, Notre Dame (Facilitator)
  • Mark Bussey, Data Curation Experts (Notetaker)
  • Tom Cramer, Stanford University
  • Mike Giarlo, Penn State University
  • Chris Awre, University of Hull
  • Andrew Myers, WGBH
  • Richard Green, University of Hull
  • Anders Conrad, Royal Library of Denmark
  • Steven Anderson, Boston Public Library
  • Even English, Boston Public Library
  • Mike Stroming, Northwestern University
  • Robin Ruggaber, University of Virginia
  • Ed Fey, London School of Economics
  • Mark Notess, Indiana University


  1. Roll Call
    1. Welcome New Folks
  2. Call for Agenda Items
  3. Next Call
    1. Date: April 12, 2013
    2. Facilitator: Richard Green
    3. Notetaker: Mike Giarlo
  4. Standing Community TODOs
    1. Contributor License Agreements (CLAs)
      1. We have almost all of the individual class in place. For the corporate, we have them all or they are acknowledged as being in progress. Thanks, everyone!
        1. Handful of iCLAs still outstanding - finalized and discussion at Q1 Partner meeting for any outstanding issues
        2. All cCLAs underway, mostly working through various legal departments
    2. OR2013 preparation
      1. PreConference: 
        1. Morning Intro to Hydra Workshop Proposal for general audiences (led by Tom)
        2. Afternoon Intro to Hydra Workshop Proposal for developers (led by Mark)
      2. General Track
        1. Bess and Mark are proposing a talk on the topic of the strategic importance of training for the main OR conference track
        2. Avalon/Rock Hall/WGBH panel discussion of technical and practical issues solved by each, the current state of the art, demo of software. We should prep at partners mtg in March.
        3. Jeremy (ND) submitted three 7 minute talks including Adapting Sufia and Scholarsphere, Testing Fedora
        4. The Fedora Futures steering group proposed a plenary session on FF
        5. Rob C. (Columbia) and Robin Ruggaber proposed a general track on oss governance (stemming out of recent Fedora discussions)
      3. Fedora User Group
        1. 2 hour panel proposed to serve as the anchor of a Hydra User Group (Tom)
        2. Eddie proposed a FF Tech session
          Deep dive into FF tech architecture and design decisions to-date 
      4. Discuss Fedora Futures Dev Challenge
        1. see http://hydra.fcrepo.org/, Hydra-Head running on Fedora 4 (by Chris B.)
          Questions as to wether Hydra functionality exists that should be rolled into the FF core or vice versa
      5. Others?
    3. Next Partner meeting 
      1. See  March 2013 Agenda and Notes
        1. Sun: Schema.org workshop
        2. M-W: LDCX - draft schedule out shortly
        3. Th & F: Hydra Partners 
          Suggestion to move release manager selection to Thursday 
      2. Discuss proposed structure and schedule
        1. Please add items to the agenda
        2. Please make sure you have RSVP'ed on the wiki:   March 2013 Partners' Meeting Attendees.
      3. Strategic Planning fo Hydra ( Strategic Planning for Hydra)
      4. June Partner Meeting Dates finalized? BPL and WGBH co-hosting - June 3rd-5th (tentative) 5th-7th (alternate)
    4. Recap of Code4Lib
      1. Workshop - RailsBridge, Intro to BlackLight, Intro to Hydra for developers
      2. Presentations - very strong Hydra Presence in presentations
      3. Community interest - lots of interest from others about adopting Hydra and becoming community members
    5. Training
      1. Update on April Hydracamp
        1. There will be at least one, at Trinity College Dublin, open to the public with a small fee https://www.tchpc.tcd.ie/hydracamp2013 - still space for additional attendees
        2. There might be another one, in Australia - No further updates, looking unlikely
        3. Beginning to plan Fall HydraCamp in Boston Area - DCE, BPL, WGBH to discuss
      2. Begin to accumulate content from workshops and HydraCamps that might support self-study and or other forms of learning
  5. Updates on Action Items
    1. Bess and Mark to compare notes on training - DONE - led to OR2012 proposal and other changes in 
    2. Adam and Mark to connect and plan c4l13 Hydra workshop - DONE - fantastic workshops - many thanks to all involved
      1. this one will be 3 hours, hands on, diving into doing code & building applications quickly. Goal is to make a working hydra had by the end of the session. [DONE]
    3. All to think about and share OR2013 proposal ideas on Partners list in advance of next call DONE - see OR2013 Preparation item above
    4. JCDL 13 Hydra workshop/tutorial proposal submitted
      1. Rick and Don and some of their staff have offered to teach this workshop at JCDL. Deadline in a few weeks. Rick action item: Make sure the JCDL workshop proposal gets in. [DONE]
    5. All to send a monthly partner update - please send a short March update for your institution to hydra-partners@googlegroups.com if you haven't already done so

  6. Prospective Partner/Adopter Intel Sharing - 
    1. conversations with Cornell, Ohio State, Duke, Getty Institute (initial exploration)
    2. conversation with Duraspace led group of DSpace users about potential of Hydra front-end for DSpace or Hydra head full replacement for DSpace
  7. Partners / Steering Exchange
    1. Anything Steering wants to communicate to Partners
    2. Any issues at the Partner level that should be escalated to Steering

    1. All Q1 Partner meeting attendees to review Agenda at ... and provide 
    2. Finalize Q2 Partner Meeting dates
    3. Begin process of posting Workshop and HydraCamp content online to support self-directed learning for folks who can't attend larger workshops or conferences
    4. Please add Additional Action items to April Partner call Agenda:  April 12, 2013 - Hydra Partner Call

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