February 8, 2013
February 8, 2013
Hydra Partners Call -- 8 February 2013
- Adam Wead, Rock & Roll Hall of Fame (Facilitator)
- Bess Sadler, Stanford (Note taker)
- Richard Green, Hull
- Chris Awre, Hull
- Ed LSE
- Ray UVA
- Karen WGBH
- Mark DCE
- Mike Stroming, Northwestern
- Rick ND
- Phuong from IU
- Andrea Harrington, Penn State
- Lynn McRae, Stanford
- Anders, Royal Library of Denmark
- Roll Call
- Welcome New Folks
- Call for Agenda Items
- Next Call
- Date: March 8, 2013
- Facilitator: Rick Johnson
- Notetaker: Mark Bussey
- Standing Community TODOs
- Contributor License Agreements (CLAs)
- We have almost all of the individual class in place. For the corporate, we have them all or they are acknowledged as being in progress. Thanks, everyone!
- OR2013 preparation
- Bess and Mark are proposing a talk on the topic of the strategic importance of training for the main OR conference track
- Avalon/Rock Hall/WGBH panel discussion of technical and practical issues solved by each, the current state of the art, demo of software. We should prep at partners mtg in March. Suggestion: invite Penn State? Sufia also handles media.
- Next Partner meeting
- Next partner meeting will be immediately after LDCX
- Please add items to the agenda
- Bess reminds everyone about the schema.org workshop
- Do we have a quorum for March Partner meeting? (Yes.) Please make sure you have RSVP'ed on the wiki.
- Training
- Update on April Hydracamp
- There will be at least one, at Trinity College Dublin, open to the public with a small fee https://www.tchpc.tcd.ie/hydracamp2013
- There might be another one, in Australia
- Update on April Hydracamp
- Contributor License Agreements (CLAs)
- Updates on Action Items
- Bess and Mark to compare notes on training
- Adam and Mark to connect and plan c4l13 Hydra workshop
- this one will be 3 hours, hands on, diving into doing code & building applications quickly. Goal is to make a working hydra had by the end of the session.
- All to think about and share OR2013 proposal ideas on Partners list in advance of next call
- JCDL 13 Hydra workshop/tutorial
- Rick and Don and some of their staff have offered to teach this workshop at JCDL. Deadline in a few weeks. Rick action item: Make sure the JCDL workshop proposal gets in.
- Tom to send a list of who's on Hydra-Partners (DONE)
- Tom & Mark to send out documentation on the charter & purpose of Hydra-Partners list & calls (DONE See:
g. All to send a monthly partner update
- Stanford
- Hull
- Virginia
- DuraSpace
- Notre Dame
- Northwestern
- Columbia
- Penn State
- Indiana
- Royal Library
- Prospective Partner Intel Sharing
- Partners / Steering Exchange
- Anything Steering wants to communicate to Partners
- Any issues at the Partner level that should be escalated to Steering
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