January 11, 2013
January 11, 2013
Hydra Partners Call -- 11 January 2013
- Mark Bussey, Data Curation Experts (Facilitator)
- Mike Giarlo, Penn State (Notetaker)
- Robin Ruggaber, Virginia
- Jon Dunn, Indiana
- Adam Wead, RRHOF
- Richard Green, Hull
- Lynn McRae, Stanford
- Bess Sadler, Stanford
- Chris Awre, Hull
- Mike Stroming, Northwestern
- Edgar Garcia, Northwestern
- Rick Johnson, Notre Dame
- Roll Call
- Welcome New Folks
- No new folks
- Welcome New Folks
- Call for Agenda Items
- Request for OR2013 planning
- Next Call
- Date: February 8, 2013
- Facilitator: Adam Wead, RRHOF
- Notetaker: Mike Giarlo, Penn State
- Updates on Community TODOs
- Contributor License Agreements (CLAs)
- 6 individual CLAs, 3 corporate CLAs returned
- ACTION ITEM: All to encourage colleagues to return iCLAs
- Check /wiki/spaces/samvera/pages/405211654 to see if your colleagues are on there
- If you need rows added to the list in the above bullet, email Richard Green
- ACTION ITEM: Mike to send Richard Carolyn Cole's info
- OR2013 preparation
- ACTION ITEM: All to think about and share OR2013 proposal ideas on Partners list in advance of next call
- Next Partner meeting
- Date ideas proposed by Stanford, discussed by Steering so far
- Linked data pre-conference (Bess leading): Sunday, March 24
- LibDevConX^4: March 25-27 (all or part of the 27th)
- Hydra Partners: March 28-29
- Can enough partners make these dates? Would like to make sure a quorum will be in attendance
- Mike (+1 or 2) from Penn State planning to attend
- Adam cannot attend
- Jon probably will attend if travel/holiday logistics permit
- Rick probably will attend if travel/holiday logistics permit
- Northwestern unclear (ACTION ITEM: Mike S. to look into this)
- UVa?
- Stanford?
- Duraspace?
- DCE will send Mark and Justin
- Hull?
- Columbia?
- LSE?
- ACTION ITEM: Bess to distribute Doodle poll with March partner meeting options to Partners list
- Date ideas proposed by Stanford, discussed by Steering so far
- Training
- Pre-conference workshops at code4lib 2013
- RailsBridge
- Intro to Blacklight
- Intro to Hydra
- DCE did private Hydracamp in December
- Possible open Hydracamp at Trinity College Dublin, tentatively from April 8-12, 2013 (DCE leading)
- ACTION ITEM: Bess and Mark to compare notes
- ACTION ITEM: Adam and Mark to connect and plan c4l13 Hydra workshop
- Pre-conference workshops at code4lib 2013
- Documentation framework
- Bess and Richard have begun reviewing, tidying, and re-organizing DuraSpace wiki content
- Contributor License Agreements (CLAs)
- Updates on Action Items
- Tom to send a list of who's on Hydra-Partners
- Notetaker missed whether this needed to be carried forward
- Tom & Mark to send out documentation on the charter & purpose of Hydra-Partners list & calls
- ACTION ITEM: Mark to push this forward
- All to send a monthly partner update
- Stanford
- Hull (DONE)
- Virginia (DONE)
- DuraSpace
- Notre Dame (DONE)
- Northwestern (DONE)
- Columbia
- Penn State (DONE)
- Indiana
- Tom to send a list of who's on Hydra-Partners
- Prospective Partner Intel Sharing
- One prospective new U.S. partner in the pipeline. Not public info yet.
- One prospective new U.S. partner in the pipeline. Not public info yet.
- Partners / Steering Exchange
- Anything Steering wants to communicate to Partners
- Nudge to return signed CLAs (individual and corporate) as soon as possible
- Any issues at the Partner level that should be escalated to Steering
- Anything Steering wants to communicate to Partners