2022-09-09 Partner Call
Samvera Partners Call
Friday, September 9th, 2022
11:30 am | Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-05:00) | 1 hr
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Code of Conduct
We want Samvera Community to be a fun, informative, engaging event for all our partners and participants.
We encourage everyone to apply the Samvera community principles of openness, inquiry, and respect in their interactions at the event.
Please review the Code of Conduct and Anti-Harassment Policy.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to community helpers.
Facilitator: @Heather Greer Klein
Note Taker: volunteer needed!
@Kevin Kochanski (SoftServ)
@Glen Horton
@Chris Awre
@Karen Cariani
@Esmé Cowles
@Emily Lynema
@Jon Dunn
@Jim Halliday
@Rosalyn Metz
@Mike Korcynski
@Rory McNicholl
@Stuart Kenny
@Franny Gaede
@Brian McBride
@Kirsten Leonard
@Thomas Scherz
Norm Orstad
@Nabeela Jaffer
@Nora Zimmerman
@Jim Halliday
@Robin Lindley Ruggaber
@Harriett Green
@Kevin Kochanski
Agenda & Notes
Any other items for the agenda?
Presentation: Demo from University of Hull
Video: University of Hull demo, Samvera Partner Call September 2022
Chris Awre and Laura Giles from Hull, Rory McNicholl from CoSector
Hull CoC2017 (City of Culture) inspired the creation of a sophisticated archive
20,000 (200,000?) digital records telling the story of 2017, particularly for Hull
Interoperable, particularly with existing Hull systems
Open source
Sophisticated preservation capability
Public access
Eventually: Use for other collections
Previously existing city Blacklight software
City and University both use CALM archiving software, but separately
Files prepared then uploaded to Box for unlimited storage
HullSync is a rails app that manages jobs, incl. gush and sidekiq
Archivematica, pushes to archival storage
HullSync then pushes to Hyrax
Also pushes to CALM, which then exports EAD to XML for import to Blacklight app
Custom importer takes metadata from EAD XML to display, but is also able to interact w/ Hyrax
Then to the Blacklight catalog
Research Data Working Group survey discussion
Have finalized a survey, and encourage as much response from the community as possible
This will help the WG understand the needs of the community
Anticipate presenting results at Samvera Connect Online 2022 in October.
Look for the survey!!!
Establishing technology- neutral Roundtables to foster wider technology discussion
Marketing WG met with goal to communicate what Samvera does and what we do in the community to help others understand
Two sides: Do we market as a technical solution, or as a community?
Questions to answer:
What are the key aspects of the Community, and what drove us here?
How can we extend the community?
Roundtable can provide valuable insights into how we can tackle these questions
Idea: Series of roundtable engagements, the results of which could be shared as an asset to the community, a tool on how to discuss these issues
Success of the roundtables would depend on input from Partners, either from ideas or participation
This moves towards solving problems as a community instead of individually then sharing back with the community.
Fall virtual Partner meeting dates
Longer meeting on Friday, October 14th (regularly scheduled date) or, after Connect on Friday, October 28th?
Heather will send email with agenda for a longer meeting on Oct 14
Administrative support for Community participation
The Board is making efforts to reach out to new Deans. Should that focus shift to AULs or other decision makers? Who is making the decisions about allocating staff time?
Could be more useful when the AUL isn’t already engaged in Samvera
UVA - Stan Gunn
Princeton - AUL
The Board will use this to formalize a communication plan for those decision makers.
Consensus is to move forward with a plan to reach below Dean to engage those more closely connected
Other Updates:
Spring in-person Partner meeting poll next week
Technology stakeholder activity, potential goals to be discussed at Partner meeting
Samvera Connect Online 2022
Poster and lightning talk CFP open through September 30th
Schedule coming Monday, keynote still in process
Birds of a Feather session sign-up – out to Community Monday
Hyrax-Valkyrization Community Sprint on now through the 16th
Anything for the Samvera Board? (Standing item)
For the board to consider - the ICOLC Metadata statement https://icolc.net/statements/icolc-statement-metadata-rights-libraries - Report should be coming out by mid September.
Date of next call: October 14th?
Notetaker for October call: