Samvera Tech Call 2022-06-29
Meeting Logistics:
Time: 9:00am PDT / Noon EDT
Zoom Meeting URL:
(link will launch Zoom client – if you do not have Zoom, expand the instructions below)
Agenda (meeting notes below)
<add your agenda item here (your name)>
Moderator: @Daniel Pierce (Indiana University)
Notetaker: @James Griffin (Princeton University Library)
@Chris Colvard (Indiana University)
@Bradley Watson
@Collin Brittle
@Juliet Hardesty
Meeting Process
Next Scheduled Samvera Tech Call
Moderator: @Chris Colvard
Notetaker: @James Griffin
Support Requests (Slack)
Docker Compose (setting up default Admin Sets)
Is this in reference to seed values?
Hyrax developers will follow with the party posing this question
Hyrax Beta Releases
Large PR merged yesterday
Deprecation notices are being introduced now, but there may still be a 4.0.0 beta release before these are finished
There is still going to need to be testing for this beta
There are a number of UI improvements which require feedback, and these will need to be documented before there is a release candidate
Ruby 2.7 and Rails 6.0 Support
Want to avoid falling behind future releases of Ruby and Rails
Valkyrie and Hyrax
Trying to determine how to advance Hyrax/Valkyrie for the next major release (5.0.0?)
Tech Call Concluded at 09:17 PDT/12:17 EDT
Pull Request Review
(To be added)