Samvera Tech Call 2022-06-22
Meeting Logistics:
Time: 9:00am PDT / Noon EDT
Zoom Meeting URL:
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Agenda (meeting notes below)
getting an ldpath path release; current limited ldpath rubygems owners (jrochkind)
qa and zeitwerk autoloader, (jrochkind)
Merge (dlpierce)
<add your agenda item here (your name)>
Moderator: @Chris Colvard (Indiana University)
Notetaker: @James Griffin (Princeton University Library)
Daniel Pierce (Indiana University)
Julie Hardesty (Indiana University)
Thomas Scherz (University of Cincinnati)
Brad Watson (Emory University)
Collin Brittle (Emory University)
Heather Greer Klein (Samvera Community)
Meeting Process
ldpath (Jonathan Rochkind)
questioning_authority has ldpath as a dependency which required support for Ruby 3.0 and Ruby 3.1 releases
ldpath lies within samvera-labs
This now has Ruby 3.0 and Ruby 3.1 passing
On RubyGems, cbeer and Lynette Rayle are specified as Owners
James is trying to assist with RuboCop upgrades and promotion
James is contacting cbeer
Initializers are proving to be problematic for conflicts with Zeitwerk
Hyrax is on Rails 5.2
This is attempting to resolve conflicts which arise for Rails 6 releases
cjcolvard might need to be contacted
Hyrax has a branch for Rails 6 support
This does not have any questioning_authority breaking problems
Just to clarify, jrochkind reverted the breaking changes for Rails 6, but this would break Rails 7 releases
block should not be introducing any problemscjcolvard encountered problems trying to build the Docker
test environment
Are there some
files which are included within Hyrax as a consumer application which might be abled to be filtered?Hyrax 3 would still need to pin the
release in order to ensure that Hyrax does not break
Collin Brittle is using questioning_authority with a Blacklight application
Rails 5.1.7, QA 5.6.0 from Emory
Updated, and another pull request review is requested
(There were additions which deprecated the Ruby releases which were dropped)
Samvera Tech Call for Next Week
Moderator: Daniel
Notetaker: James
Support Requests
hyrax/documentation/ at main · samvera/hyrax
There are links which might need to be updated within the Wiki
These links point to projecthydra-labs and projecthydra repositories
Pull Request Review
Call ended at 09:35 PDT/12:35 EDT