Samvera Tech Call 2022-04-06
Meeting Logistics:
Time: 9:00am PDT / Noon EDT
Zoom Meeting URL:
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Agenda (meeting notes below)
Scheduling Component Maintenance Interest Group Meetings (@James Griffin)
Proposal to schedule weekly meetings for every Thursday at 09:00 PDT/12:00 EDT
ActiveTriples Maintenance (@James Griffin)
GitHub - ActiveTriples/ActiveTriples: An ActiveModel-like interface for RDF data
GitHub - samvera-labs/ActiveTriples: An ActiveModel-like interface for RDF data
current codebase for ActiveTriples on GitLab: tamsin woo / ActiveTriples · GitLab
(James has received feedback on the Samvera Slack #devs Channel, and it might be best to postpone this discussion for another Tech Call when other parties are available)
ruby-oai Maintenance and Support (@James Griffin)
Call for devs - Rails 6, Blacklight 7, Bootstrap 4 dependencies for Hyrax (@Juliet Hardesty)
Github branch: GitHub - samvera/hyrax at bl7bootstrap4
Moderator: @Chris Colvard
Notetaker: @James Griffin
@Juliet Hardesty (Indiana University)
@Max Kadel (UNC Chapel Hill)
@Heather Greer Klein (Samvera Community)
@tamsin johnson (UC Santa Barbara)
@Anna Headley (Princeton University Library)
Meeting Process
Scheduling Component Maintenance Interest Group meetings
Want to set regular meetings with an understanding of limited availability. Want to propose Thursday meeting 9am PT/12pm ET, 30 min
Open office hour format for those who have questions, issues related to Samvera Components, PR requests and reviews, creating new issues
Modeled like the tech call
ActiveTriples – James will look into this with tamsin
Ruby OAI maintenance
Proposed topic for the above Thursday meeting; will talk about the maintenance required
One issue to pay attention to is this is not an Apache licensed library, it is CC0. Would that be a problem for moving into samvera-labs?
Surfliner is using this.
Might be worth the effort to address issues where the gem already lives
Rails 6, Blacklight 7, Bootstrap 4 dependencies for Hyrax
Sent message to the mailing list
There is a need to update Blacklight to release 7 and Bootstrap to release 4 before Hyrax can support these upstream changes
There exists a branch tracking this work
For context - the active bootstrap 4 & blacklight 7 comparison - Comparing main...bl7bootstrap4 · samvera/hyrax
J. Rochkind reported that Bootstrap 4 is nearly EOL
Should Bootstrap 5 be a viable target instead?
The sense is that Bootstrap 5 is indeed viable for an update
There isn’t too heavy a degree of integration to warrant staying only on 4
Bootstrap and the Blacklight updates are tightly coupled
Bootstrap 8 has not yet been released, but Chris has been evaluating this process for Avalon
Here's an example of of a release that references supporting both 4 and 5: Release v7.22.0 · projectblacklight/blacklight
Hyrax Maintenance WG has rebased from
, and hopefully the work which remains is to address these upgrades for another sprint cycleNext Samvera Developer Congress (05/16/22 - 05/20/22)
Is it possible to have more work accomplished before the next Dev Congress?
It would be preferred, but there is nothing currently explicitly scheduled
What is the best way for current, non-WG members to assist with this?
There are obstacles for iCLA and cCLAs for contributors
This is going to be discussed during the next Partners Call
Next Scheduled Tech Call
Moderator: Tamsin
Notetaker: James
Tech Call Concluded at 09:30 PDT/12:30 EDT